105. The Pursuit of Knowlege

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"So, Ms Granger," Snape remarked, opening a file in front of him. "You have managed to maintain very high marks in all of your classes apart from History of Magic. Have you given any thought to a career after school?"

"Not really, sir," Dioleh admitted. "I suppose I just thought something would...come up that would interest me." Snape glanced up at her with a knowing look.

"Well then," he said. "I would suggest keeping all your classes after this year."

"Can I still drop History of Magic?" Dioleh asked. "Personally, I just don't see myself making a career out of that."

"Yes," Snape replied. "I believe that would be wise. However, if you would like my opinion on your potential career, might I suggest being a potioneer?"

"What exactly does a potioneer do?" Dioleh asked. "I mean I know it's making potions, but what else?"

"It depends," Snape admitted. "You could spend your time brewing for hospitals or as a teacher. There is also the potential of inventing and studying potions. There are many options available."

"I'll consider it," Dioleh replied.

"Then that is all," Snape said.

"Wait, Professor," Dioleh said. "If I'm dropping History of Magic, is there any point in continuing to try in that class?"

Awkwardly, Snape replied, "Well, I can not officially tell you so, but I can tell you that should you fail the class, it can not do anything to harm your future in the Magical World."

"So that's a yes," Dioleh said with a grin. A small smile crossed Snape's face but he said nothing as he got to his feet, opening his office door.

"Get back to class, Granger," he said.

"Yes, sir," Dioleh replied, grabbing her stuff. As Dioleh left the meeting, she attempted to get out of the dungeons and into the corridor above but instead, she found her way barred by a huge swamp. Holding back a laugh, she scanned what she could see to find that a few students were also trapped. Turning her head, she called, "Professor Snape!" He emerged from his office and instantly saw the large swamp. "If I didn't know any better I would say that this is a result of Fred and George," she said.

"You could be right," Snape said, raising his wand to get rid of it.

"Wait!" Dioleh hissed quickly. "Don't get rid of it. Think of how bonkers Umbridge will go if you leave it." Snape hesitated, seeming to be debating in his head. Finally, he sighed, lowering his wand. Dioleh smirked.


"Alright," Andre said, joining the group that had circled at the base of a large willow on the grounds. "Did everyone make their study guide?"

"Yup," Imani said, holding up the one she had made for Herbology.

"I've got Transfiguration," Draco said, taking it out from his bag.

"Defense Against the Dark Arts," Blaise added.

"I've got Potions," Dioleh said.

"And I've got Charms," Andre said.

"And I also got Arithmancy," Dioleh added.

"And I got Runes," Andre admitted. "So who needs what?"

"I want your Runes," Dioleh said instantly. Andre quickly made a copy and handed it over to her.

"Make copies of all the core ones for me," Blaise requested.

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