175. Holiday

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"Hey, Dioleh, look at this!" Imani cried, rushing out to where Dioleh was laying on a towel on the beach. With a small sigh, Dioleh opened her eyes and took the newspaper from Imani.

Billionaire Promises to Fund Hogwarts Reconstruction

          Exonerated Death Eater Draco Malfoy announced today his intention to not only fund the Ministry of Magic restart and the Second Wizarding War Memorial, but this is not the end of his generosity. Mr. Malfoy explained today that he is working with newly-appointed Headmistress Minerva McGonagall to begin the reparations to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. He plans to have construction finished before the fall term.
          As well as bringing Hogwarts back to its former glory, Mr. Malfoy has been making very generous donations to several properties damaged during the war. Mr. Malfoy also announced today that he is beginning a foundation for the children of dead or imprisoned Death Eaters. "They are all," he says, "victims of this war. Without proper guidance, they will grow to be just as bitter and hateful as their parents." A second foundation has been formed in order to aid the families of Muggle-borns and those that survived.
        When asked why he is being so generous, Mr. Malfoy had only to say that "despite the speculation of the press, this is not a desperate attempt to prove I had a right to be pardoned for my part in Voldemort's take over. My family has been in possession of billions for generations. To continue to harbour them while so much of the world suffers is not only selfish but it is an action I can no longer take part in with clear conscious."

"Damn," Dioleh said, handing it back. "Now that his parents got locked up, he really took the reigns on all that money."

"I think it's good of him, though," Imani said.

"Yeah," Dioleh said, laying back and closing her eyes again. "I'm glad he's finding something to occupy his time. I still don't know what I'm going to do when I get back."

"You could be a teacher," Imani replied. "I heard McGonagall still can't find a Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"She can ask Harry," Dioleh replied with a yawn, shifting to lay on her stomach.

"He and Ron became aurors," Imani countered.

"What about Andre?" Dioleh asked.

Imani hesitated. "Well, actually, Dio. Andre and I aren't settling down anywhere."

Looking up, Dioleh asked, "What do you mean?"

"Andre and I talked and we don't want to stay here," Imani admitted. "We're going back to sea to travel the world together."

"Wow," Dioleh said. "That's...great."

"We'll come back a visit," Imani promised.

"I know," Dioleh said with a small, forced smile. "I'm just going to miss you."

"We'll miss you too," Imani said. After a brief hesitation, Imani asked, "What's going on with you and Draco?"

"Honestly, I'm not entirely sure," Dioleh admitted with a frown. "Last time we talked, we agreed that now wasn't a good time. I don't know, it just seems like he's got his life altogether."

"It might seem like that, but honestly, this-" she raised the newspaper "-is the biggest indication I've seen that he's doing a lot worse off than we thought."

Brows furrowed, Dioleh asked, "What do you mean?"

"Come on, Dio, he's doing penance," Imani said. "I think he feels guilty for everything his family has done. Not to mention, living all alone in that huge house where he was brought as a prisoner and he had to hear you tortured? He's not okay. Trust me."

"How's Blaise?"

"He's shut off," Imani said. "He and Andre are living together right now. I don't know what's going to happen to him after Andre leaves."

With a small shrug, Dioleh suggested, "Maybe Blaise and Draco should move in together. They could look out for each other."

"I can ask Andre what he thinks," Imani replied.

With a content sigh, Dioleh said, "Thanks for bringing me here, Imani. I didn't realize how much I needed time away."

"Me neither," Imani said. "Sometimes I think we push ourselves so far our normal becomes so much we can't go on."

"Yeah," Dioleh said softly.

"So what are you going to tell Draco when you see him again?" Imani asked. "Do you want to be with him?"

"Yes," Dioleh said. "But...I don't know. What if I just want to go back to him because being with him is easy and familiar? What if being with Draco is just taking a jump back into the past?"

"I see your point," Imani said. "Maybe you should wait until you have the next chapter of your life figured out before you decide anything."

"What could you see me doing, Imani?" Dioleh asked, her eyes fixed on the sky above her. "Nothing feels right to me anymore. Everything feels like it's a part of a different life, like I don't have a place anywhere. Am I really that traumatized?"

"I don't think that's trauma," Imani replied with a small frown. "I think that's just what people go through when they leave school and they're completely on their own for the first time. What interests you?"

"I don't know," Dioleh admitted. "I just want to do something that's...important. Something that makes me feel like I have a purpose."

"I think you need stability," Imani said gently. "I know you want to do something with purpose, but maybe you should get some stability first."

"From where?" Dioleh asked.

"Well," Imani said slowly. Flipping the page of the newspaper, she pointed to a small section in the bottom corner and handed it over.

"You're still on the Defence Against the Dark Arts thing?" Dioleh said tiredly.

"You're brilliant at it and I think it could be really good for you," Imani explained with a shrug.

"I'll speak with McGonagall," Dioleh decided. "How many days do we have left here?"

"Two," Imani said. "You want to go swim?"

"Sure," Dioleh replied, getting to her feet.

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