77. Gang Gang

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The moment Dioleh and Draco left the room, Dioleh rushed into the first lavatory she saw. Crouching by a toilet, she threw up, losing everything that she had eaten in the last twenty-four hours. Even as she attempted to rid herself of the image of those cuts, they kept coming back, causing her to throw up again. Her forehead felt hot. After rising her mouth out with water, she washed her hands and went back outside.

"You alright?" Draco asked.

"No!" she snapped, pushing past him to head for the dungeons. He followed behind her curiously as she rushed down and to another office. The door was closed, but she didn't seem to care as she knocked harshly on the door.

"Enter," an emotionless voice said. Dioleh opened the door and she and Draco filed inside. Professor Snape was sitting at his desk with a few ingredients and a cauldron in front of him. At the table beside him also sat Professor McGonagall. "Ms Granger, Mr Malfoy," Snape said. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"

"It's Umbridge," Dioleh said as Draco quickly shut the door behind them. "She's gone too far!"

"I believe her stepping into this school qualifies as going too far," McGonagall said tartly. Snape's lips curled up ever so slightly.

"I'm serious!" Dioleh shouted. Any amusement left Snape's face as the two teachers exchanged a look. Neither had ever seen her yell.

"What did she do?" McGonagall asked, her lips pressed in a firm line.

"She's using this quill that-" Dioleh began.

"She's using a Blood Quill," Draco explained, cutting off Dioleh's angry rambling. "On Potter and Imani."

"It shouldn't even be working on Imani!" Dioleh cried. "Cursed objects don't affect us!" All three of the others widened their eyes, Draco glancing at the teachers worriedly and the teachers glancing at Draco with startled expressions.

"He knows?" Snape remarked, glancing at Draco.

"You know?" Draco countered.

"Oh, shut up," Dioleh snapped.

"Well, the Blood Quill wasn't designed just to affect wizards and witches," Snape said. "That is likely why it is still affecting her."

"This has been the longest two days of my life," Dioleh sighed, sitting down in a chair.

"Did anything else happen?" Snape asked.

"She asked-"

"She told, Draco," Dioleh snapped irritably.

Rolling his eyes, he corrected, "She told us, then, that we and the other Slytherin Prefects would be looking over detention for the entire house with the other Prefects."

"Surely there is something we can do, Severus," McGonagall said, glancing over at him. "Potter is supposed to have detention all week."

"Not likely," Snape admitted bitterly. "The best we can do is ensure she doesn't find out who we give out punishments too."

"That can't be all you're going to do!" Dioleh cried. "She is torturing them!" Draco grabbed onto her hand again. Dioleh sighed, attempting to get control of her emotions.

"We will do what we can," McGonagall said.

"Curfew is in a few moments," Snape remarked, looking at the clock. "You should be off." Dioleh nodded miserably and the two left.

As they were walking down to the common room, Draco said, "Dioleh, I get that you have a lot going on right now, but can you please stop biting my head off about it?" 

Brows furrowed, she glanced back at him in surprise. "When?" she scoffed. 

"Interrupting me, snapping at me when I asked if you were all right," he listed off. 

Dioleh sighed, coming to a stop and facing him. "You're right, I'm sorry. I shouldn't be snapping at you. If I promise to stop can you forgive me?" 

"Yes," he replied. 

"Then I promise," she said. 

"I forgive you," Draco replied. 

"Thank you, Dray," Dioleh said, squeezing his hand in hers. 


As it transpired, Imani was even more resolute to not talk to Dioleh than before. The glare she shot her when she stepped towards her and Andre at the Ravenclaw table was so severe Dioleh changed her course and sat with Draco and Blaise instead. She stayed quiet throughout all of dinner, barely listening as the two boys chatted about homework. However, on the day of the announcement of Umbridge as High Inquisitor, Andre cornered both girls and dragged the two of them down to the hideout. 

"Okay, this has to stop," he said firmly, glaring between the two. Both had their arms crossed and wouldn't look at each other. "Imani, burning down the Ministry of Magic is a temporary solution. Even if we burn everything down, they will still get it all back and there are hundreds of other consequences we're probably not even thinking of. But Dioleh, we can't just assume it will all be fine. I think Imani is right and we need to break into the Ministry." 

"But Andre, that's still a temporary solution. It just has less undesired consequences," Dioleh countered reasonably. "I'm not against breaking in, but if it's all for nothing then what's the point of all the hassle?" 

"Because if we can steal the potion, they can't legally recreate it after the conference if they don't vote to kill us," Andre explained. "We just need to get it away from them before they have enough time to remake it." 

"They have been working on it for a year," Imani said fairly. 

"And even if we take it now, they will only have a little under five months to make it," Andre said. "So, can the two of you agree to put your little fight behind you so we can work together?" 

"Sorry," Dioleh said. 

"Me too," Imani replied. "I didn't mean what I said." 

"I know," Dioleh said, pulling her into an embrace. 

Smiling, Andre clapped his hands together as he called happily, "The gang is back!" 

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