21. Halloween

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The day before Halloween, Dioleh was just passing by the portrait that led into the Gryffindor Common room when a Gryffindor was headed in. "Fortuna Major," the student said. Dioleh couldn't help but smirk at the success of her little mission. After classes were over, she went out into the grounds and finally into the woods. Once she was deep enough, she called, "Sirius!" He came out from behind a tree in dog form with a newspaper in his mouth. He dropped it and changed forms.

"Did you get it?" he asked, unfolding the newspaper.

"Yeah," Dioleh said. "It's Fortuna Major."

"Thank you," he said. She nodded.

"I need to be getting back," she said. "Don't forget, the feast starts at six. Don't risk trying to come in until at least six-fifteen."


Back in the castle, she walked along to go up to the owlery. She didn't have an owl, but she had found something comforting about being up there. As she passed by an open doorway, however, something caught her eye. It was a Grindylow in a tank. After checking to make sure no one was in the office, she went inside and over to the tank. Sliding the cover over, she reached into it, shifting her hand to that of a siren. The only major difference was as a siren, her skin took in oxygen in small amounts while the main source came from their gills.

The Grindylow, recognizing her for what she was, swam up to her palm, nuzzling into it and letting out a sort of purring noise. She smiled. As Grindylows were not native to saltwater, she had not, like many of the Selkie, had one as a pet. However, during her time in the Black Lake, she had grown a love for the small creatures. Suddenly, a sharp voice said worriedly, "What are you doing?!" Turning, Dioleh saw Professor Lupin in a panic rushing over to her.

Brows furrowed, she said, "What do you mean? He's harmless."

Staring at the Grindylow in surprise, he said, "I've never seen one act that way with a human. Usually, they try to eat them."

"Professor, why on earth would this little guy try and eat anyone?" Dioleh said with a laugh. "He's so sweet. Grindylow are so gentle when you actually spend time with them." Said creature was currently being rubbed on the head by Dioleh so he really did seem to be quite docile.

"I've only ever seen them like that with merpeople," Lupin admitted, looking at her strangely. Instantly, Dioleh stiffened.

"Well, I suppose there are some exceptions, then," Dioleh said tensely, withdrawing her hand from the tank. The Grindylow swam to the top as if in protest, but Dioleh regretfully slid the lid to cover the top again. Lupin was staring at her analytically, making her extremely uncomfortable. In response, she said the one thing she knew would catch him off guard. "So, someone told me you knew Sirius Black back in the day."

He went slightly pale and turned away to go to his desk as he said, "Oh, well...we were in the same house, nothing more."

"You weren't friends?" Dioleh asked. "My, uh, source said it was four of you, close as brothers. You, Sirius...James...Peter." Lupin looked up sharply. Perhaps it was the Slytherin in her, but she was enjoying having control in this conversation.

Awkwardly, he said, "Well, I suppose we talked every once in a while."

"Right," Dioleh said. "Well, Professor, I should go. Delightful to see you." Before he could respond, she dashed from the room, letting out a relieved breath.


After the feast, Dioleh went with the rest of the Slytherins down to the common room and began getting ready for bed. Before they had time to really change or anything, the Slytherin female prefect burst into the room, ordering, "Come on. We need to go back to the Great Hall."

"What? Why?" Dioleh asked.

"Shut up and come on and maybe you'll find out," she snapped back bitterly. Sharing a confused look with Imani, Dioleh slipped back on her sweater over her tank top and followed the rest of Slytherin house out of the common room.

Spotting Draco, Dioleh rushed forward and asked, "Draco, do you know what's happening?"

He turned, and replied cockily, "Why, worried love?"

"Enough with the arrogance," she snapped.

"You're no fun anymore," he said, losing his cocky smirk. Seeing how worried she was, he said, "Dioleh, I'm sure everything's fine. Don't worry." He smiled, looking directly at her. It was one expression she had never seen on his face before. Usually, he smirked or frowned, but never a smile like this. She tried to smile, but she couldn't help but worry. The last time they had all been summoned like this, Julio was almost killed and then never heard from or about again.

Dioleh fell back in step with Imani just before they came to the Great Hall. Imani was drawing in short, shallow breaths. Dioleh gently grabbed onto her hands, giving her a small smile. "Breathe, okay?" she said softly. "Take deep breaths." Imani did so, but Dioleh could tell she was still panicking. "Okay," Dioleh muttered, quickly glancing around. "Come with me." She quickly got Imani out of the Great Hall, which was crowded with people and would make her anxiety worse.

Professor Dumbledore had started talking the moment they dashed out, but Dioleh knew Imani's health was more important. She led her to the first bathroom she saw and over to the side. "Okay, sit down," Dioleh said gently as Imani's rapid breathing increased, a look of absolute panic on her face. "Okay, now breathe with me, okay? In and out, in and out like this." Dioleh took in several deep, steady, and exaggerated breaths, making sure not to touch Imani as she knew that would only make it worse.

Imani tried to follow along, but she would break her breath every few minutes with a harsh gasp. Dioleh didn't say anything as she continued to breathe in and out and Imani tried to follow along. After about five minutes of trying to calm, Imani was breathing steadily again. Dioleh stayed silent, knowing Imani would need a minute to collect herself. She had been helping Imani through panic attacks since Julio was taken and had learned what not to do and what to do.

For example, unlike Dioleh when she had panic attacks, Imani could not be touched, otherwise, her panic would increase drastically. She also took several minutes afterwards to continue breathing and trying to calm her heart rate. Talking would lengthen this process and cause Imani's panic to resume longer than it would have otherwise. Dioleh waited for several minutes in silence until she saw Imani look up.

Gently, Dioleh asked, "You okay now?"

"Yeah," she said. Her voice was still slightly shaky, but she was calm enough now to go back. "Thank you, Dioleh." She smiled in reply and stood, holding out her hand to help up Imani. Arm-in-arm, the two girls returned to the Great Hall, grabbing one of the many sleeping bags from the centre and claiming a corner for themselves. Imani and Dioleh huddled together and fell asleep, staring up at the stars in the enchanted ceiling.

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