"Toby went to Steph's house moments before Ronnie got there and had punched Steph because she was trying to get him to dump me and wouldn't leave him alone. When he punched Stephaine she hit the floor and hit her head and she started bleeding. Toby thought he killed her because of the blood and then Ronnie walked in, saw what happened and saw that Toby only knocked her out because she was still breathing. So, Ronnie helped Toby clean the mess and Ronnie...buried Steph alive in the woods." Lily starts to continue her explanation.
I start to feel sick with every sentence that she says. How did this happen right under our noses and nobody knew a thing about it. How many people were going to die because of Ronnie's psychaotic, selfish, twisted, desires of getting revenge? How was he planning on killing after Lily? He's not the only one to blame either. If Toby wasn't doing god knows what with Stephaine, then none of this would have happened. Stephaine and the others would still be alive and we could have just left Stephaine in the dirt where that whore belonged! But, NO! Ronnie and Toby had to mess everything up. I may not be able to give Ronnie a piece of my mind but I sure as hell can give a piece of my mind to Toby.
I shove Toby back, away from Lily and the others.
"Did you help kill the others too? Were you going to kill Lily too? How could you do something like that?" I furiously say as I keep pushing him further away.
I stop shoving him back because even though it satisfied a bit of my rage it wasn't enough. I walk back over to my car and grab Lily's baseball and start to walk right towards Toby. Right when I'm about to slam the bat across the side of his head, Marcus comes up from behind me and grabs my arm. Stopping me from hitting Toby.
"Kamrin don't, he's not worth it." Marcus says.
I lower the baseball bat and he lets go of my arm.
"It's not his fault he did the things he did. It's Ronnie's because he blackmailed Toby and made him believe he was a murderer when he wasn't. Ronnie is the one who killed Stephiane. He's the one who got us into this mess in the first place. So, if you want to blame someone then blame him." Lily explained.
I stare at the ground for a moment and Marcus takes my hand. I look up at him and then back at Lily.
"We should go back to Ronnie's before he does anything to Donna." I say.
Everyone agrees and we get back in our cars and drive up to Ronnie's house one last final time. After a long suspenseful drive, we make it to Ronnie's house.
I grab a crowbar I found, Lily and Toby grab their guns, Marcus grabs the baseball bat, and Mason volunteers to stand watch.
Stephaine's killer is finally going to get what he deserves, and of course I will be breaking up with his psychaotic ass.I walked up to the door, knocked on it and Ronnie answered.
"Hey, your back already? Why do you h-" Ronnie starts to say as I sucker punch him in the face.
"You asshole! You were sooo worried about protecting me when you were the killer the WHOLE TIME!!! We're done. I'm done with you and I don't want you near me or Lily or Marcus or anyone! You belong rotting in a cell."
"I was never going to hurt you Kamrin." Ronnie says, stumbling back to his feet. " I just wanted Stephaine gone after what she did to our relationship. I HATED her and she took you away from me! She deserved it."
"She may have deserved what she got but you had no right to try and hurt Lily. The police will come any minute now and will lock you up in a dark, cold, cell."
I walk away from him feeling like the bad bleep that I am. When I hear a loud...
I turn around and see Marcus grabbing his arm as he winces in pain.
Ronnie shot Marcus.
"No!" I shout as I rush over to help him.
"It's clear that all your feelings for me are gone. So, I'm going to shoot Marcus over here again in the chest next time if you don't tell the police to turn around and get back to the station." Ronnie says.
"It's obvious you care about Marcus, Kamrin. So, what are you going to do?"
I freeze and look at Marcus. Fear in both of our eyes. I don't know what to do. I don't want him to get shot again but, I don't know how to get Ronnie in his right mind.
All of a sudden, another gunshot is fired.
Lily shot Ronnie in the arm causing him to drop his gun. As Ronnie winces in pain as blood starts to flow from the wound, Lily grabs her gun as well as Ronnie's and we all rush out the door behind her.
Who Killed Stephanie Martin: Kamrin's Story (2# The Who Killed Series)
Mystère / ThrillerStephanie Martin. The selfish mean girl that everyone in Battle Ground High School wanted to be, be with or absolutely despised. She roamed the halls of our school all high and mighty, even though she was only five foot two, with her fellow demons a...