Am I really just a useless nerd, Uraraka?

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Izuku always pondered, 'was he really just a useless nerd?' Despite the fact, all his friends and mother denied that of him. Why did Katsuki think so? Was the emerald in fact extremely annoying to the blond or did he just not like him...? It happens to occur that Izuku did get his answer one day. Afterwards, he was blue not green.

Ochako was walking side by side with him into class, talking about her blast of weekend. Perhaps next time, they could spend it together, Izuku had to help home that weekend. She has to help with her family this weekend, so she wouldn't be free. She continued to ramble about the difficulties of being a hero in training and trying to have a normal life. 'Till she noticed Izuku not paying no thought to anything she was saying.

"Deku-kun?" She rose an eyebrow, though he didn't respond. Taking a soft hold of his arm to gently tap with all her fingers, "Deku-kun!"

He shook his head out of his thought. He shouldn't be thinking about that instead he stood be paying attention to his frie--... He noticed he wasn't on the ground anymore, "Uh.." he looked down to Ochako, who pouted when he responded. "Uraraka-san...?" It was a pity that he only spoke when he realized there was no gravity around him.

"Oh I'm so sorry Deku-kun! Release." He fell, falling on his face first. She ran to him, leaning a hand out for him to take which he did not. Ochako took it as a bad sign that she done something wrong, but had to focus on the problem now that she had hurt Izuku by accident. Even if it was a accident she did hurt him and an uncomfortable guilt built up in her chest and stomach. She immediately started to apologize. "Deku-kun! I'm so so so so so sorry!" But her friend had just chuckled. Was this worrying for nothing, she looked at his face, his eyes closed shut with a big grin. "Huh?" She was confused, wasn't he hurt? Did he get hurt?

He got up from the floor, holding his backpack by its scrap. Looking at the confused girl who still had her hand out to which Izuku glanced at and Ochako reeled back when eye contact assured. He too began to apologize. Apologize? Was that the right word? "Oh no I'm fine Uraraka-san! Don't worry about me, it was just an accident after all." He smiled, tinting his head to the right a bit. Izuku didn't mind the drop, it got rid of that sickening thought earlier.

Though Ochako blushed due to embarrassment, Izuku noticed. He was going to say something before the bell rang. Typical, the bell always ruined things. "We should go." the brunette said vastly trying to get out of the conversation, walking into Class 1-A. How could a sweet girl make his heart hurt? Must have been when she set him down. Ow! He should go to the nurse.

Class went by fast! Izuku was focused on taking notes most of the time, he didn't even notice himself on the battlefield. Katsuki and Izuku were parented up, Katsuki didn't communicate whatsoever. Making them lose, the lesson was focusing on communication. Trusting your partner, they had to rescue a child from a villain. Them not communicating and thinking through as Katsuki rushed in. Made the villain and kid get away.

The two were the last group, so afterwards they went back to the classroom. Izuku did feel a pit of guilt had this been a real situation, the poor child would've been taken from their family. He didn't want to think of the possibility or percentage of that happening in Japan.

But like again, he was brought out of his thought. "You useless nerd, if you hadn't been so snail-like. We could have rescued the kid." Katsuki walked up to Izuku, he stood alone as he felt all of 1-A eyes prey on them. He tried to shrink, but remember that was not his quirk, his feet went into each other, and his back was no longer straight.

Izuku looked down, upset. Ochako should see that, so she spoke up. She walked up to the two, placing herself in between them being waving a finger in Katsuki's face that made him step back from the close contact. "Now listen here, Bakugo the lesson was about communication, so if anything, you made your team lose. Deku-kun wanted to communicate, but you rushed it. So, don't blame it on Deku-kun and he's not useless!"

"Tch, listen pink cheeks. Deku is a useless nerd and will always be. Even when we were kids he was and still is. So, beat it." He turned around, leaving. He respected Ochako, so he wasn't going to fight her. During the sports festival, she shown him though Denki had made that comment of being frail, Katsuki wouldn't say she was or is. She wasn't going to give up, heck if he believes if she had a little more training she would have won. There's no doubt about it.

"Bakugo that is quite rude to say to your classmate. We must treat each other with respect!" Tenya said, running after Katsuki though he shouldn't be running in the halls because that violated his many rules that he instructed to his classmates. Nobody really followed them besides really Momo, but he didn't need to know that.

Izuku turned so his back faced Ochako. He stood there, "Uraraka-san?" She finally looked away from the direction that Tenya and Katsuki had run off to. Her eyebrow rose, was he asking a question? "Am I really just a useless nerd?" He wanted to cry, but he held his voice together to form the sentence though it did break some at the end. Some tears threatened to fall, but he shoved them away with his sleeves. He wouldn't let Ochako see him this nor anyone still in the room, he thinks everyone else had already evacuated.

Ochako's eyes widened, she didn't reply. Not knowing really what to say. She was just inches away, but she ran. She ran just those few inches though she could've walked and made in the same amount of time. Because Izuku needed her and she wanted him to know that.

She did hug him roughly causing his back to arch while he let a confused grunt. Before thinking, his hands flew up to hold hers that were holding too tight. He didn't want to see the look on her face had her grip be this strong. Her thumb being held in the air to not cause the same accident from earlier that day. Finally after long awaited silence, she spoke. Izuku wished she hadn't.

"You're not useless Deku-kun! You're an amazing friend and you inspire me to become a greater hero! I don't care what Bakugo says, because I know what you are! A person who never gives up on his dreams!" Ochako said higher than a whisper for sure, but surely just because they were the only ones in the room wasn't the reason she yelled. She wanted Izuku to hear her though her breath warmed his ear just from breathing.

Izuku turned his body, he brought his arms up to hug the girl back. His arms caressed her carefully, his grip was not as deadly as hers. Now he lifted his head, her breath not in his ear, but now his neck while his head laid on top of her head. The helmet had been poking us, however, but he didn't let that ruin the moment.

Instead it had been Aiwaza to ruin the mood. His voice rasp and deep made both jump away from each other like they been found doing something they shouldn't. "Get into class you two. I know this is a touchy moment, but school isn't over for another half a hour." He exited as quickly as he entered.

They both had a small short chuckle, but seemly both noticed Ochako's beet color face even though they both were red. Did she have a fever? "Uraraka-san? Ah!" He settled a hand over her plump cheeks. They were so soft like baby skin. "You're burning up! Shall I walk you to the nurse?" That just made her turn more red from the suggestion.

"Ah! I'm good thank you Deku-kun!" She shiftily ran into the class. Was break over alread-- ah yes, Aiwaza did tell them to get into class. So, maybe so. He should be running along too, but he stopped for a moment to notice his friend in front just a few feet.

Izuku observed her runaway. Smiling, at least he knew she thought he was worth it. He knew that from then to the end, she would be the one for him.

I edited it again.

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