Race to win back Izuku's stolen heart

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It's been two years, two wonderful peaceful years. Since a bubbly female teen asked another to be hers. She was over the course happy when he said yes. It was delightful the first year, the two going on dates whenever both being free. Their friends accepted the two and how they loved each other dearly. The next year, however, they were slipping away from each other. Turns out they weren't made for each other; it didn't feel right anymore. There was no sparkle, no love in the air with these two. Both being sure of it.

Did Izuku love Ochako? Did Ochako love Izuku? No maybe not. They have fallen out of love; it wasn't one-sided or was it...? Who was going the other first though, however that was a question. Would the brunette tell the male she didn't love him anymore? Would the green haired tell first? Being yes, the greenet-black haired was the first to say so. Simply, asking the brunette to meet him in the park near the school, it was cliche yes. All movies, something big happens in a park, but the green haired didn't have any other ideas where to go.

"Uraraka-san", surname bases? Izuku began calling her by her first name, it feels like forever since he used surname. Ochako was taken back when he said her surname, she was filled with confusion.

"It became noticeable that we both fell out of love. I think it's better if we- break up?" He didn't feel right about the word. It made him uneasy, however he didn't know why. His mind went to the thought of her feeling saddened of him ending things. That wasn't the reason at all. However, the other felt relived, she didn't want to break the other's heart. She fell out about a week or so ago, though she tried to make herself love him again. But nothing, there was no spark anymore. However, it is best to end things with someone then lead them on. She knew it would have broken his heart, yes, but it's better than leading him on further. "Oh yeah yeah." She jester her hands in front of her face. "Just hope we stay friends."

He smiled widely at the thought, loving the idea that this break up wouldn't ruin their friendship. "Yeah." The uneasiness never left his mind though, he saw Ochako as a best friend nothing more anymore. Right? So why did it break his heart in so many different ways?

He wished that was the feeling, until a couple months later. Which he noticed it, mentally cussing at himself. As he stirred in bed, awake due to the thought. Why did the feelings have to come back up when they were done? When there was no love in the air? No sparkle?

A few months have passed by then, the two were going to be graduating soon. Finishing their last year then they will be able to become heroes, someday pros at that matter. Ochako knew her best friend was going to be the best hero, she always looked up to him. Making her first falling in love with him, but now the love wasn't there. Though her mind never left the thought of him being one of the best pro heroes there could be.

His quirk being wonderful and loveable personality, was everything for a hero! The brunette wished she could be as amazing as he was. She was pulled out of her thoughts as she noticed a familiar green-black haired coming down from his room. "Deku-kun!" Yelling over to him, regretting it as she hoped it wasn't too loud. She waved over to him, noticing his face becoming red from embarrassment most likely.

The boy walked over to her, greeting her back. "What are you doing out so late Uraraka-san?" It was pass curfew the time the two were talking, the male came down for a cup of water, as his mouth was dry. He also couldn't sleep as someone had been on his mind recently. However, he wasn't going to mention that part to her.

"Ah I couldn't sleep, so I came down here for some tea." Her thought has lately been traveling to adulthood. Though she has a few more weeks until school ending, so she had all the time in the world to juggle her thoughts. She needed to find a good agency afterwards too or she'll plan ahead.

The boy sat down and looked at the kettle, "What tea are you drinking?" He knows occasionally that Ochako doesn't drink tea from it's pricey value once when she's with Momo or Momo offers to make a cup of tea which Ochako always denies. Izuku hopes that's still true, it had been when they were dating, but things change like how his chest lifted before.

She doesn't mutter a word or unless Izuku didn't hear her, so he's about to ask before a response. "Ah, I don't really know, my parents sent me it." Izuku should've noticed, Ochako's parents are one of the kindest people on Earth even knowing their budgeting system had they try to provide for their daughter. Izuku wanted to give her the world. "But it's quite nice, would you like some?"

Yes—to stay in this conversation with her was all he needed. All the closure he could yearn for, but he shouldn't. He can't. Because this wasn't reality, they had their fair share of sweet opening heaven. Izuku let that go though he recognized that Ochako didn't love him anymore, anything would've been better than this. Perhaps if he could just yearn far back into the past where he threw himself out a window to embrace that sweet warmth again. It's selfish, he knows, but he thinks that sometimes he deserves to be selfish.

When Izuku doesn't stay anything, actually doesn't move his glance from the kettle. Ochako walks to the kitchen to pour him a cup to which he never responds to. Poking it closer to him to which he finally flinches and looks down. Just a tiny grin is given to him before Ochako continues sipping her own tea.

And this is a time that Izuku is selfish. He attempts to pick up the tea and it burns the flesh of his skin, but he's felt worse. Instead of thinking of the heat that he forces down his throat, he looks to this girl. A girl that's been with him for who knows how long. No, it's been 952 days since they've first spoken to each other. Almost a thousand and Izuku wants it to be a thousand times ten because he wishes to never leave her side once again.

But it burns just like the tea. That their time was up and gone before anything. It's like when you have a high school sweetheart, you plan everything. Ochako didn't want kids, not yet she wanted them late in her life when she had enough wealth to give back and provide for her own like her parents couldn't do her. Izuku just wanted to do with everything that revolved around her. They had everything planned out. Everything that got tossed as soon as falling out came into their home unwelcomed.

Ochako has a worry look on her, she always worries about him, it makes him hurt that it's a defensive mechanism. His eyes glance to the clock, 2:29 a.m. it's quite early on a Thursday morning and he knows neither of them are going to get any shut eye, but he must try. So, he says his goodbye.

She just smiles at him like she always does. "Oh, okay, goodnight, Deku-kun. I should be heading to bed soon as well."

Izuku wants to hug her bring that warmth clothed back to him. "Okay, goodnight, Uraraka-san. The tea was very nice." But he can deal with this. He's happy with this and soon enough he won't be. Soon enough, he wouldn't be happy enough to be a classmate or good friend. He'll crave more to always be in Ochako's presence.

But he's fine with what he has now. And eventually, he'll try his best to win her heart back as she had stolen his or try to win his heart back that she stolen. At this exact moment, he's happy though and that's all he needs.

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