Izuku's in love.

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          Some may say love is weird, hiatic. Others would say love is warmth, nice. Perhaps it was neither of those things. It was just a feeling, it didn't make you sad, angry, tired. Nervous? Possibly, but everyone's nervous, everyone felt nervous once in their lifetime. So, what really is love? America couldn't answer, but can Japan?

Izuku was never in love, so when this question was often brought up, he baffled. Mina was saw as to be a love expert. When she was asked, she felt in quite full-on detail.

"Love is nothing like other emotions, is love an emotion? That doesn't matter, love is a warm feeling in your stomach. When you want to be around this person was so long and it doesn't have to be romantic either. It could be platonic. You would put this person's needs in front of yours, like if you like someone who's taken. You wouldn't pout, you'd understand, and want them to be happy." She pauses, pauses taking a deep breath. Pulling his index as she winked, and her face wrinkled around the eyes. A smile even through her next words. "It'll hurt, God yes, it will hurt. But that's human and people can say love is the most dangerous of all. Oh, it hurts." And she just ends it off with a smile, what Mina described was something so tragic, but she played it off as nothing. Izuku wonders if she's ever been in love.

Izuku stared at the board, processing on what was even happening. One second, he was talking about love and now he's in English. But he feels eyes on him from his right, of course his right, he's the last row in the left. He meets eyes with Uraraka Ochako. However, they don't share it for long as she breaks it within a second of meeting. Now he wonders if Ochako's ever been in love.

"Uraraka-san." He greets firmly, with a tug on his lips. She doesn't say anything, busy clearing off her desk, packing her books away, and Izuku waits for her. Izuku can't say for sure, but he likes being around Ochako. It could be from her being on his first friends or--

"Mhm! Deku-kun, walk with me?" Seventh or last period was Math, it was a Monday, and their periods were different. But today last period was Math. He nodded very quickly as they slow-paced towards their next class, where they saw most of the students already in. Some may be using the washroom. She sits her bag on her desk before looking back at him, "I brought money with me, so before we go to the dorms. Can I go to the store?"

Why was she asking permission? "Ah, why answer? You can go anywhere, Uraraka-san."

He watches as her face wrinkles and her smile drops a bit; her pink tint cheeks brighten a tad. Now he's wondering if it does that a lot and he's never noticed until now, so awfully close to her face. "I was wondering if you'll want to go with me." The two along with Tenya would go to the store along the street, sometimes alone. Sometimes is today.

"Yeah, sure. I don't mind, I like walking with you." It's the simple truth, now his cheeks brighten a bit. He doesn't know why, if it's because it's hot, or not. It's winter. Either way, when they go together, Izuku usually pays for her and all the time she argues with him.

He knows about her money issue and wants to buy little things for her. Her birthday was no more than a month ago. One time, she told him about the starry sky and said she liked it very much. So, for her birthday. He told her to dress comfortably, she wore sweats with a sweater, it was night already. Himself was wearing the same exact thing expect his sweater was a blue-green and hers was a pink. Pink and green go together perfectly, he found himself thinking before.

And they spent that night staring up at the sky. Ochako's hands wandering in the sky, explaining small details, or pointing out a shooting star. It felt like a date, and he shakes a head. Returning to see Ochako's mouth moving but doesn't hear. She likes Japanese food, especially Mochi. He finds himself taking her to a restaurant that wasn't far, this was a day before her birthday, or night before. Again, she didn't know where she was doing. She dressed casually while Izuku wore a suit. It felt like a date.

"Aizawa-sensei!" The sudden exclaim and name shook Izuku out before he could think more. His back faced Aizawa, and he immediately shook. This man gave him small heart attacks. Ochako whispered to him, "Get to your seat." Before she sat down, and all eyes were on him.

Izuku pouted and walked away to his seat, Katsuki's blond hair in his face as he kept leaning back. Class is over before he can pull out a notebook. Now nearing the way to street store.

"I think—". She stops herself, leaning her backpack off her shoulders, searching for something. Before she lets of a breath of relief. She carries on like nothing happened and Izuku won't bring it up because he knows what happened already.

Izuku remembers this happening multiple times that he's planned it out. She was looking for her coins until she found them. Izuku normally brings extra yen with him to the store, just incase Ochako forgot her money again. And he knows it's not embarrassing to have someone pay for your stuff, especially your friend. But Ochako just says it's embarrassing.

"And I think I might fail." What? "I don't know, I'm pretty positive I won't, but I was gone for a week." Izuku remembers, Aizawa excused it, and it must have been a good excuse because Aizawa wouldn't have it let slide so easier. Ochako never told anyone why she was gone either. "Can I copy some of your notes?" It's a simple question that Izuku agrees to.

Ochako fist bumps the air when arriving to the store and Izuku swears his heart stopped beating for a second. He thinks Aizawa's heart attacks are actually giving him heart problems. "I'll be over here," he points to the left of the building. "I'll meet you at your side." Which would be the left and Izuku leaves for ingredients for udon.

When they leave, Ochako is happily eating her mochi instead of being hesitate about it. Mostly cause Izuku paid for it, but she paid for it this time. And had no hesitate to take a bite outside. He watches as her cheeks fill with the food. Now he's admiring her side piece.

Ochako is only a few inches or centimeters shorter, yet Izuku can see how small if he has to bow his head to make eye contact. Both her and him have large round eyes. He likes that they both have that in common. Izuku likes how blunt she is and Izuku thinks Ochako doesn't know that either. She's a very laid back and honest girl. Everyone could agree with that, and someone would be lucky to have her—has Ochako been in love?

"Ah! This is the best, I should keep working more often." Working? She notices she blunted it out. "Oh— hmm umm... yeah so that happened." He hopes she continues to speak about this job, yeah you can work this young, but they're in high school— he doesn't mean to control what she does. "—and yeah, I had to help with my family. But hey! I made a few yen and got a reward in the end." She brings up her bitten mochi before groaning slightly at the unwanted silence.

Of course, it's for her family. Izuku finds himself stopping and a tug on his face. "That's nice of you, Uraraka-san." Izuku thinks he's in love.

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