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Class had just ended for the day, everyone was packing up. Midoriya stopped as he heard a familiar voice call out to him. "Deku!" Uraraka yelled at him running towards him.

He smiled in response, "Hey Uraraka do you need something?" Rising a eyebrow, though they would always talk. The sound of her voice was different, like desperate?

She brought her head down. "I was wondering if you could help me study for the exam next week." So, that was the problem?

"Couldn't you have asked, Yaoyorozu or Iida?" He was of course confused, why didn't she ask the two top ranks in their class. Yaoyorozu always likes to help others, she's seen as the mother of the class anyway. Iida is our friend and helps us when we need it.

"It's kind of silly. Most of the class is bothering them, I didn't want to be a bother. So, I thought of asking you. If you say no, it's fine! I can ask Tsu or Todoroki." Uraraka shook behind her head, this was all the fuse?

Midoriya chuckled. "You're never a bother Uraraka, but if you want I can help you study." Uraraka's eye brighten, smiling brightly. She'll be the end of him someday.

"So where do you want to study?" Now that was tricky, Iida didn't want students in another students dorm after six. More importantly, if they studied in the lounge they would get bothered by other students. He could always bring her to his house and work on it. But they only go home on weekends. Would that be enough time? "Deku you're muttering."

Midoriya was too lost in his thoughts to realize, though it happens a lot, he smiled awkwardly. "Sorry Uraraka. I was thinking of where we could study. We could to one of our dorms, but we'll only have until six. Are you fine with that?"

"As long as I'm studying I'm fine." She smiled, her smile was always so bright. Midoriya liked her smile, it made him sure she was enjoying his company. "Now my dorm or yours?"

He didn't want to go to his dorm, since of his All Might design. But they already showed their dorm rooms when they first moved into them. So, it would be fine? "Mine is good."

"Should we start now or later? I'm fine with either." It would be late by that time, only depending on how long they both would need. But that would decrease their time to spend together – study! Time to study.

Midoriya looked around to the clock to see the time. It was already almost four? How time flies. "We should do it now, since it's almost four." He picked up him books, meaning he was ready to leave.

Uraraka followed behind him, up to his room. Before entering, there was a huge explosion. "Bakugo?" Both of them turned around to see Bakugo in the hallway.

He walked towards the two. "Deku, listen here nerd. Don't mess up." Don't mess up? "You got ourself a good one?" What's that suppose to mean?

Afterwards, he left the two heading back to his dorm room. Weird? "What do you think he meant by, 'Don't mess up' and 'You got ourself a good one'?"

Could he have been talking about One for All, no. You got ourself a good one couldn't make sense to the statement. Bakugo never talked in riddles, so it's hard to understand. He would always be clear of his mind. "I don't mind myself. Kacchan always says stuff straight forward. I don't know why he didn't right now."

Uraraka's eyebrows rose. "Oh it's because he wanted to tell you alone and I was here. So, he said in a sort of, I don't know? Riddle I supoose?" She chuckled.

Yeah, but even when the two are around others he still says his mind. Oh no. Don't tell me he knows, but why didn't he fight me? I mean we both like the same person. Did he no longer like her, so told me to treat her right?

"I understand now." Uraraka looked up to him. Did she find out of his crush on her? "Maybe he's talking about your quirk. Impaling you should train harder so you'll be a good fight for him." Oh thank god.

Midoriya wasn't planning on telling her. He didn't want a relationship that would get in the way of their hero work, so he'll bury his feelings down.

Unfortunately, Uraraka was doing the same.

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