Chapter 2: Missing and the note

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" THEIF LOOK OUT!" I hear Jax yell. I turn and see- Harlow aiming fireballs at me. " As much as I love conjuring up fire balls and throwing them- sister what are you doing" Jocelyn yells. " Forget that and run!" Ollie yells taking Kaya's hand and starting to run. We run out of the dorm and see our school is a panic. Captain Blackbeard is holding students hostage, Miri is saying something that I can't quite make out but I get some of it. Maxine is running to us nearly missing a fireballs, " What's going on!?" Devin and Heath ask backing into each other missing an arrow, wonder where that came from. I run to Floras office to warn her and she's not there-but there's a note.

" Let's see if you villains can save your teachers. Oh wait you won't! Your all villains who are nothing but trouble, you have until Friday or else.
𝓗𝓮𝓪𝓭𝓶𝓲𝓼𝓽𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓼 𝓞𝓵𝓲𝓿𝓲𝓪"

"What-? Friday that's only 5 days away!" Jax and the others run in and close the door behind them I didn't mention that Heath and Devins hands are interlocked. " What's going on?" Kayla asks fluttering around  nervously, I show her the note.

-Dialogue warning-

Kayla: oh no!
Ollie: Wait who's Olivia again
Logan and Corden: The reason why we were banished
Raina: Technically it's Devin's fault
Sasha: This is fine
AG: Oooo Heavin
All but AG, Heath and Devin: what
AG: Heath and Devin's names put together, like Jocelyn and I are Alcelyn, Kayla and Ollie are Kollie and we all know Jax and Gilly
Jax and Gilly: We're JUST best friends
All but Jax and Gilly: sure, just best friends
" Back to topic, we have to find our teachers, the ones who are missing- and Flora" I say " True but how? And how do we know which ones are missing and which aren't" Prue asks glancing at the window. " I can't believe I'm  about to say this but" Jax and Heath say " We might have to go all over Enchantia"

To be continued

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