A note from Flora

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" We might have to go all over Enchantasia" Jax and Heath say. " Are you serious? Leave Enchantasia!? We're would we even look-OZ?" AG shakily asks, " OZ? Why not here first? We can look for clues- we should decide soon" Prue suggest. " We should, and we should get weapons as well- ANNA!" I rush over to my little sister and hug her. She's breathing heavily like she's been running, and her face is covered in ash. " Professor Blackbeard shot cannons at the library" she pauses, " plus I found this." She hands Devin the note.

" Students we're in grave danger. Olivia has taken hostage of us, it's up to you to you to save us and Enchantasia. I've hidden the ingredients in classrooms, it's up to you: Jax, Gilly, Kayla, Ollie, AG, Jocelyn, Maxine, Hayley, Jack, Heath, Devin, Raina, Logan, Sasha, Corden, Tara, Anna, and Prue
𝑯𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒎𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒔 𝑭𝒍𝒐𝒓𝒂"


We're  against Olivia and the teachers. Just like old times.... right..?

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Gilly:Its not safe here we need to hide.
Ollie:What about the vegetable garden.
Maxine: That's a good place now let's go.
They open the door
AG: run
We all run to the secret garden and when we get there I trip on something and fall right into Jax's arms. " Never thought you were a damsel in distress, Gilly" Ollie says snickering. I roll my eyes, " He saved me from falling on my face" " Damsel in Distress exactly what he said" Jocelyn said.
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Jax: you good theif
Gilly: ya, thanks again
Hayley: *yawns* what time is it
Jax*checks watch* 15 until noon
AG: I'm kinda hungry
Jocelyn: same, I'll try and conjure up something
Logan: I'll help
Raina: Tara Prue and I will try and make shelter
Devin: Gilly wanna go make battle plans
Gilly: sure
AG: Fairy be! Guys I found a clue! It's from Olivia

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