Meet Peyton and Preston

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I'll do the same thing. This part will be if Leo we're dating Preston then the next chapter will be if Leo we're dating Peyton and you can chat, comment, or talk to me about which one you like better. So enjoy this chapter of if Leo and Preston were dating.

- Zale POV-  • telling the story•
" We tracked them down," Cerise says " It was extremely hard finding them. I had to ask my mom for help. The fact that they were in Avalon was odd, that's a 5-day trip." Isaac says " We'd like you to meet, Preston and Peyton," They both say. " Ayo!" Peyton and Preston smile, " Peyton, Preston!?" I yell. " Zale?? You've changed" Preston says, " From the siren, you were, to a human/ siren" Peyton finishes his sentence. " You haven't changed as much," " Well actually-" Liam begins to say, and I scowl at him. Corden walks in with some more of our friends. " Keep talking," Anna says and sits next to Liam. Corden walks over to me and sits next to me, he holds my hand. " Calm down, you're tense" " O-okay has anyone seen Leo," I ask. "  Has anyone seen my- Preston, Peyton??" Leo walks and stops in his tracks. " Need I mention that-" Cove begins to say." No!" Kai, Liam, and I yell. " Preston... Peyton" Leo asks shakily asks. " The only two" Preston and Peyton smile. " Wait who are they," Peyton asks. " Cove, Kai, Adrian, Finn, and Liam are my little cousins," I say, " And; the others you see here are-" " How, do you live like this?!" Gilly pants, " I don't know, it's not that bad" Jax smirks. "You're the escape artist," Gilly says, Jax smiles. " My ship" Kayla squeals. " Can I finish or not?" I ask, " You can," Liam says. " Who's the boy you're with" Preston smirks " Ooo" Peyton sings. " That's Corden, his boyfriend" Leo smiles, " You know- that we're right, here," Liam says. " That's Sasha Cove's girlfriend." " Hey" Sasha and Cove both say. " Kai and Cerise, " " Hi" " Finn and Isaac, Adrian and Nathan, and Anna and Liam, Kollie, Jilly, and Heavin" I'm cut off by Gilly. " Why does everyone combined Jax and I's name!?" " Because it's cute and everyone saw it coming," Kayla says " nice meeting you all" Peyton and Preston say. " We should get back to Avalon," Peyton says "the forest can he out of control of not tended to" Preston finishes the sentence. " Come on stay the weekend at least," Leo asks hopefully. Preston looks at him and blushes slightly, " It wouldn't hurt to stay a while longer" " It wouldn't so we'll stay" Peyton smiles


-Leo POV-
I'm hanging out with Preston, getting ice cream. He's taller than I thought when he was sitting down he looked my height but nope he's like 3 centimeters taller than me. " What's new with you?" he asks, " Oh! Um, nothing really, just reading since I have nothing better to do, what about you?" I ask as Preston sits back down. " Adventure, I don't do cities, towns you know, just forests. Peyton has a problem with matching people still" " Still?? I'm not surprised.  You should see the Hollow woods, I can take you there sometime." I smile, " Really??? I've always wanted to go there!" Preston beams. I should take him there but not now, instead, we go to the edge of the Hollow woods, Preston stopped short in his tracks and looked at me. " Can we please please go in, you promised that we could when we were younger you'd take me into the Hollow woods." I think of the time when Preston, Peyton, and I were like 3-4 years old, and Preston and Peyton wanted to go into the hollow woods. I said I'd take them in there when we were older. I guess I'll take Preston now and Peyton later. " Fine" I smile nervously. Preston takes my hand and goes only 3 steps into the forest and he just smiles. "it's beautiful" "ya" I agree with him. He just smiles and takes a few more steps in, " Preston do you think this is a little too far in?" I ask. " Aw come on Leo, don't be so af-ahhh!" he falls or trips over something but I grab his hands quickly and pull him back up. His pale blue eyes glowing in the afternoon sun. My nose pressing slightly on his, "Umm don't you think you'll a little too close?" he says softly, "Eh!? Sorry!" I try and let go but I think he's holding on to me. "I think you're holding on to me-" I say "Sorry!" but he doesn't let go though. I look into his pale blue eyes and realize they've gotten a darker. I mumble something but I forgot that Preston significance of hearing. Since I was little Preston has always known what I was saying. But the next thing I know, his lips are on mine. The kiss was nice. The kind of kiss that woke up Snow and Rose. His lips were soft and after a few moments, we pull away. I turn my head away flushed. He chuckled a little. "Sorry" "I-its fine," I say still flustered. I turn back to face him. "Can I.." "Sure?" he says a little unsure. I kiss him and we hear a ROAR. That makes us separate, I take his hand and we run back to where we were. "I think that was-" " A giant?" Preston says, " Ya" I reply. I look into his eyes and smile, " We should head back" I say and we go back. " I'll see you tomorrow?" I ask, " Ya" Preston smiles, " Well...bye" I kiss his cheek and go inside.

The next morning

I'm sound asleep until I hear laughing. I go downstairs still half asleep. " Ugh, keep it down I'm trying to sle- Peyton, Preston-?!" What are they doing here!?" I yell half asleep, "It's their last day here, stupid," Cove says, "Don't you have to be with Sasha" " Oh no-I don't. That's Sunday," " It is Sunday-" zale says "Bye Bye " I wave and turn to go back to bed. I lie back down and feel arms wrap around me. "Preston-" I whisper

"what are you doing?"



Pretty soon before I knew it Preston and inseparable. But as our fun came to an end that evening, he said the best news I have this summer.
"Hey Leo, will my boyfriend?"

"Yes!" I hug him as he smiles at me.

"I'm gonna miss you, y'know"

"I'll miss you too, but I'll be back"

"Don't leave me forever"

"I'll be back soon, unless you want me to stay"

"Can you? At least for the summer?"

"I don't see why not"

-Back to school-
" Leo wake up~ we have school"

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