Chapter 18: Sasha meets Cove

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-Sasha POV-

I was in my dorm at RA with my roomies, Rania and Devin. Or at least Devin was here I think-. I'm writing the Enchantisa Insider's newest news. When a bird comes flying in the room with a starfish and scroll? " For Sasha? What do you mean it's from Prince Cove-" Devin asks the bird and hands me the starfish and scroll. I put the starfish in my hair and read the scroll.

The scroll

Hey Sasha.. you probably don't remember me but I'm Cove, I wanted to know you wanted to hang out today? I'll be with my cousins in town today since we have nothing better to do. Please don't think that this'll be a date unless you want it to be, but I hope to see you later.

I'm in, " I gotta go! Bye!" I say and run out of the dorm and get a pegsi and fly to the village. When I get there I see cove and wave to him and he turns around and I blush. No not because I'm supposed to blush when I see a boy. I'm blushing because he's so handsome. " Hey Co-" I start to say but he takes my hand we run. " Sorry. I don't want my cousins to know you're hanging out with me, what's up with you?" he asks. "I'm writing a new part to the Enchantisa insider. Other than that boring Royal stuff." I explain, " but my sister wants me to find a-" I start to say but we both say it at the same time, " A boyfriend/ girlfriend" we both blush and hold hands. " Wanna go to Gnomeollia bakery?" he asks and I run off with him to Gnomeollia bakery.

Cove and I hung out for a while every day and we're starting to think that people think we're dating. We're just really close friends. " Hey, Sasha. Are dating cove?"Raina asks " No. We're just close." I answer " Well he and his brothers are transferring here for a while" Raina smirks, " I know. I've known for a while now.

At the welcoming ball
-Cove POV-

I spot Sasha and she runs over to me " Cove you-you-you look incredible" she says blushing. " Hey, Sasha- you- you-you look gorgeous," I say blushing. " Cove did you find Sasha," Lim asks, " Yes, you kelp for brains." I say." Go dance with Sasha or I get my $60." " I'll pay you with the sharks," I say eyeing Sasha, she takes my hand and I glide her to the dance floor. We both dance across the room and finally I glide her outside away from everyone. " Would you like to go out with me?" I ask, " Like a date? What everyone thinks we do? I'd like that if like that a lot" she smiles. " Is tomorrow at 6 good?" I ask " It is, I'll see you then." she smiles and then leaves.


-Sasha POV-

" Sasha are you free this afternoon at 6?" Raina questions coming over to my desk and looking at me, " why are you putting that starfish clip in your hair?" " I have a date with Cove" I replied putting my glasses down " He hasn't seen you with glasses on has he," Devin asks picking up my glasses, " I think he'd like them on you. Why did I just say that!? Ok, I'm gonna go bother Heath if you need me." She runs out of the room and goes to Heath. " I'll wear them, bye Raina," I say and go to the village.

Pause! This what Sasha and Cove look like for the date

Pause! This what Sasha and Cove look like for the date

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Ok, that's all for now...

I'm walking around looking for Cove. Should I put my glasses on or away. I leave them on and Cove didn't seem to mind he said I look cute, "Hey cove," I say " Hey Sasha, ready?" he asks and I smile. During the date, we see Jax, Gilly, Kayla, Ollie, Jocelyn, AJ, Anna, Liam, Jack, and Hayley. " Run," I say, we both run to Gnomeollia bakery and I trip into his arms. " Ah! I'm so sorry," I say fixing my glasses. " It's fine at least they didn't see us. What would you like?" he asks, I chose what I want and eat the cupcake. Then Cove takes me near a field and beach " Do you live here?" I ask " Ya, but it's pretty lonely." he tells me. I rest my head on his shoulder and smile, but he moves my head and puts his fingers under my chin. The next thing I know he pursued his lips up against mine, I was a little shocked at first, but I kissed him back. "sorry" he says looking away, I kiss him and kisses me back, "it's ok" I blush and smile, " I have a question for you..." he says.

-Cove POV-
I'm waiting for Sasha. I see her and I blue slightly, she looks cute with ht glasses on. "Hey cove," she says " Hey Sasha, ready?" I ask and she smiles. During the date, we see Jax, Gilly, Kayla, Ollie, Jocelyn, AJ, Anna, Liam, Jack, and Hayley. " Run," Sasha says, we both run to Gnomeollia bakery and trips into my arms. " Ah! I'm so sorry, " she says fixing her glasses. " It's fine at least they didn't see us. What would you like?" I ask, Sasha chooses what she wants and eats the cupcake. Then Cove takes me near a field and beach " Do you live here?" she asks " Ya, but it's pretty lonely." I tell her. Sasha rests her head on my shoulder and smiles, but I move her head and put my fingers under her chin. I pursed my lips against hers "sorry" I say looking away, Sasha kisses me, and kisses her back, "it's ok" she blushes and smiles, " I have a question for you..." I say. " What's up" she questions " Sasha you're the most beautiful girl I've ever known, so I was wondering if you would be my girlfriend...?" I smile, Sasha hugs me and I hug her back " Of course Cove, I love you" " Love you more my star" I smile and kiss her cheek. She smiles and we both sit up and watch the sun set.

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