04 - our movie

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Leading Lady

IN LIFE, we will encounter a situation where we need to let go of something for us to save ourselves. It's hard to lost someone who's really important to us, but it's much harder if we lose ourselves. We're going to meet a lot of people and keep on traveling without a destination, That's how it feels to be lost

"Ria! Come back here!" I shouted while chasing her.

I keep on chasing her because my notebook is in her hands. That notebook is very valuable because I wrote there my feelings for her. Now that she's reading it because I temporarily stopped running. Ah! I'm so tired.

"OMG! Levi, who's this special girl?" she shouted in glee while reading what's on mu notebook.

I walked towards her while sighing in defeat. There's no sense of lying to her. I saw how shock she is, maybe she already saw her name on that notebook. I chuckled of how adorable she is. I love Ria since I can remember. I never get interested to anyone since she came into my life. The way she frowns, the way she smiles. The way her eyes shines in so much happiness. Her heart-shaped face, her thin eyebrows, her long eyelashes, her twinkling eyes when she's so happy, her pointed yet small nose, and her naturally red lips. The way she talks amazed me, her contagious laughs completes me.

"Ria? You like our classmate?" She asked innocently, still shocked.

I chuckled, "No, I don't."

"If it's not our classmate, then who?" she's really eager to know.

"Maria..." I held her shoulders as I said her name, I look into her eyes. "Maria Aravena, I like you so much, no scratch that, I'm in love with you. You hear me? I'm in love with you..." I sincerely said.

"W-what? Why m-me?" she said, stuttering.

"I don't know, I just woke up one day that when I look into your eyes I already saw my world, I just woke one day that every time I look up in the sky I remembered how you love the clouds, the stars and the moon. I just woke up that your every move amazed me. And that I can't function well without you. Your laughs, your smiles, your words, it completes me." I avoid her gaze after I said that as I feel like my face heated. Fck! I said it! I confessed!

"Levi, are you blushing?" She said, almost laughing.

"Stop laughing, Ara! I just finished confessing to you and here you are laughing at my feelings!" I shouted in so much embarrassment.

"I'm not laughing at your confession! I'm laughing because you're blushing, hahaha! You're so cute!" She said, pinching my cheeks.

"I'm a man! I'm not cute!" I hissed.

"Of course you are! Well, I also have s confession to make." She said, bowing her head.

"If you're going to reject-"

"Levi I lov-"

"Me stop-"

"I'm in love with you too, Levi!" She exclaimed, stopping me from what I'm saying.

"Say what?! Did I hear it right?" I said while massaging the bridge of my nose.

"I'm in love with you too." She said, smiling.

Since that day, we are inseparable. We're always together, as a couple, this time. We reached our goals together. I became an Engineer and she became a Psychiatrist. We look for our first condo unit together, we bought furniture together. When I woke up in the morning she's the first person I'll see and when I'm going to sleep she's the person I'm going to cuddle. She's my first in everything, I'm also her first in everything.

"I love you so much. I'll marry you, someday." I uttered.

"Let's be successful together." she whispered.

"I'll just call myself successful when I'm married to you." I promised.

Until the day comes that I fear the most. The day that I lost her.

"Levi, Your tito and I decided to take away her life support." Her mother said as she entered Maria's hospital room.

"What?! No! Please tita, please. I-I can't lose her. Please, I- I love her so much... We can't give this up. Please, let's not disappoint her." I sobbed as I kneel in front of them.

Maria was hit by a ten wheeler truck while going home to her parent's house to visit and fell into a coma. It's been 5 years, and she's still here. It's our 9th Anniversary, but she's here pale looking and lifeless.

"Hijo, look at yourself. You're not the Levi we knew! You're lost! Find yourself, Levi. You don't deserve to be like in this situation. Maria will not be happy to see you like this. She wants you to be happy even without her." she said, crying.

"B-but she's my happiness... S-she's the one who's keeping me sane... I- love her so much... I-I can't..." I broke down in front of them. It hurts so much... I already lost her, I lost my baby... I feel like dying too... I- I don't know...

A white butterfly touching my lips broke my reverie. 25 years had passed but I'm still lost. I continued my life, I never let any woman come into my life because in my heart , I'm only belong to her. I'm here sitting beside her grave. I closed my eyes when a cold air touched my cheeks and the butterfly flew away.

"See you soon, Mi amore." the air whispered.

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