Part Eight: Lonely Beds

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we both wake in lonely beds, in different cities

two years later

"Where is Enzo?" Katherine walked into her friend's house and looked around as Elena looked, she looked like a mess. Katherine frowned and looked at Elena who brought her knees to her chin. "I don't know, probably with Bonnie" The older vampire sighed and sat down next to her only real friend. Elena shook her head, she hated the way she was always the one getting hurt. "History repeating itself, isn't it? I am finally falling in love with someone who loves me as well and then they are cheating"

"It's not your fault Elena" Katherine said as she gulped, looking at Elena who was not even crying this time. She was getting use to it. "It was stupid of me to think that I could trust someone again" The younger doppelgänger sighed and stood up, walking upstairs to see her seven and half years old daughter.

Katherine followed her to upstairs, watching mother and the daughter smiling to one another. "Kol is coming, in three hours or something with his girlfriend" Katherine said, the venom in her voice was shining so bright that scared Elena a bit. "I will call him and say leave his girlfriend back in New Orleans"

"Don't, there is no need of it" Elena sighed and looked at her friend as she kissed her daughter's forehead, telling her to sleep. "I bet there is, Katherine" Elena mouthed as she left the room. They both walked down stairs and Elena poured them some wine. "I know how you were feeling about him, and you know how much I despise Davina"

"It's always witches, isn't it?" Elena laughed at her comment and nodded. She knew she had to confront Enzo, just she didn't have enough energy yet. "We have three hours in peace, then Kol will be here. Also Alaric and Caroline will be here for dinner with twins, which concerns me" Katherine narrowed her eyes when she heard about the twins, they were the true troublemakers and they were not the nicest towards Ophelia. "Just let me kill them already"

"They are kids Katherine, you can't just kill them because they are not getting along with Leah" Katherine shrugged and looked at her friend, it was worth to try. The door bell rang, causing Elena to frown. "You said he will be here in three hours"

"Maybe it's Enzo" Elena shrugged and grabbed her wine glass as her cardigan was falling down from her shoulders. She opened the door, seeing Kol, she frowned. "I thought you would be later, plus where is your girlfriend?" Kol sighed and stepped in, revealing one person she wanted to see least. Elena backed away, causing Katherine to frown. She stood up. "Elena, are you alright?" Kol sighed and looked at the older doppelgänger, who now walked to the door. Katherine gasped when she saw Klaus standing right in front of them.

"Katherine get inside, make sure she is safe" Elena gulped and said, making Katherine to sped away to upstairs. Klaus was looking at her with sadness and a bit of pain in his eyes. Kol walked to the door and sighed, he was about to talk but Elena hushed him. "I don't need any explanation of yours, nor that I care" Kol gulped as his best friend cut him. Elena walked out of the door and looked at Klaus, making sure he was not getting an invitation letting him in. "What are you doing here?"

"He heard me and Davina talking about Ophelia-"

"So it's you and your girlfriend brought him here, so you were aware that he was on his way" Elena turned to Kol who looked down guilty. Elena shook her head and turned back to Klaus. "Follow me"

They walked to the little patio area covered with plants and flowers, Ophelia liked planting, she liked her connections with the nature. They both sat down at the steel chair matching with the pool table, looking around miserably searching for something to say. "If you are here, I believe you have things to say. Otherwise I will advise you to leave as soon as possible"

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