Part Ten; For All That We've Been Through

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tonight i'm gonna dance, for all that we've been through
but i don't wanna dance if i'm not dancing with you

Elena parted them and looked at Klaus with wide open eyes. He gulped, hoping he did not ruin the things he had been trying to fix. Elena walked to the oven and took the tray like nothing happened, Klaus knew what she was doing. She was always doing the same since the age of seventeen. "You go in, I am coming" Klaus did not say anything more, he just walked out of the kitchen and walked to the living room like Elena asked him to. "What happened"

Kol was kinda nosy, Klaus always hated that side of his. He just narrowed his eyes and grabbed his glass filled with wine. "We talked, Kol" The younger Mikaelson narrowed his eyes but did not add more to his questions. Elena came out with a smiley face and a huge service plate of chicken. "So, we have four missing people. Shall we wait or start?" Elena turned to Alaric who shrugged and looked at Elena. "We can wait, these things are way too hot to eat anyways" Elena nodded and her eyes locked to the kids playing on the ground.

The door rang and Elena walked to the door. As she opened the door, she saw Damon and Jeremy. Elena smiled to her brother and embraced him. "Oh, I've missed you so much Jer!" Jeremy laughed and returned the hug. Elena parted them and walked to Damon and embraced him. "Where is your girlfriend?"

"She was feeling sick" Elena narrowed her eyes but smiled sadly. It was such a shame that she could not tell Damon what was going on. She was aware that it was not her place to tell. "I want both of you to keep your cool as you enter in, promise?"

"Why? Did you burn the chicken?" Elena shook her head and led them inside. The first reaction was from Damon, leaving a little confused "huh?" voice out. Then Jeremy looked at Elena with shock before saying anything. Elena gulped and looked at them with fear. "What is he doing here?" Jeremy asked, he was angry. He was angry at their family, he was mad at Klaus, he was mad at Rebekah for leaving them when they were vulnerable. "Jer-"

Jeremy walked to Klaus who was standing up now. He threw punch to his right cheek and Klaus had to admit, if he was human too he would probably fall to the ground. Elena ran to them and parted Jeremy from Klaus. "I know you are angry with me young Gilbert, I am angry with myself as well so for this once I will let it go. But just so you know, your anger will solve nothing"

"Nor your presence! Why are you even here?" Jeremy yelled at Klaus and Elena looked at kids who were watching them. She sighed. "Jeremy, kids. Stop this, both of you!" Elena hissed under her breath and both sides calmed down with the idea of that kids were in the audience. Damon just narrowed his eyes and sat down next to Alaric. "This is going to be hell of a night, do you have enough bourbon?" Alaric revealed a bottle of bourbon and Damon smirked.

"So we are just waiting for Tyler" Damon let out a scoff and grabbed the bourbon bottle to take a swig. "When Tyler sees him this living room will turn into a dog park" Klaus intended to attack Damon but Elena held him down before he could move. "Enough! Kids are playing at most within ten feet and look at the charade you two make!" Klaus sighed and sat down before fixing his jacket.

Elena stood up once again with the door and looked at the table. "One more fight and all of you out except Katherine. Understand?" Damon raised his hands with non threatening manner and Elena narrowed her eyes. She walked to the door and opened it, seeing her childhood best friend. "Hey Ty, come in" Tyler smiled and they hugged before walking in.

Both friends walked to the table and Tyler frowned as he saw Klaus sitting. "What is going on here?" Elena sighed and pointed at kids. "For their sake, please do not fight" Tyler looked at the kids and sighed. He nodded and looked at Elena. "For your and Ophelia's sake" Elena nodded as well and everyone sat down. "So let's start" Everyone started their meals.

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