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Chapter four: Baji's Grades

—Who would've thought that after six years of befriending a boy for a cat would lead you into being a founding member of a gang.

Well, I guess you could fight decently, due to the fact that your parents did sign you up for judo lessons.

But even if you knew how bad you'll end up for being a founding member of a gang, you wouldn't mind getting beaten up just for Mitsuya's cat.

Speaking of Mitsuya's cat, you were just on your way to go to his house when you met Baji, also on his way to Mitsuya's house.

"Oh, Y/n."

"Oh, Baji."

The two of you said at the same time.

"I actually need help on my exams," Baji said.

You were about to decline his offer when he pulled a (favorite candy) from his pocket.

"Okay, I have nothing to do anyways, let's study at Chifuyu's house." You said grabbing the candy from his hand.

You two open the door wide open and shouted, "PEKE J!! WE'RE HERE!!"

Because of that Chifuyu's cat ran out from the shadows due to the fact that you screamed their name.

The two of you looked at the cat to see who will they go, to Baji, or to you?

"AYEEEEE!" You shouted triumphantly as Peke J rubbed their head on your leg.

"AAAAAH! That's not fair!" Baji said pushing you playfully.

The two of you joked around before the all mighty cat owner walked in.

"Can you guys keep it down, the neighbors can hear you from there." Chifuyu scolded as he walked towards the two.

"It was Baji that shouted, not me." You said poiting at the boy beside you.

"I don't care just tone it down," He said as he sat on the couch as Peke J then leaped on his lap.

You and Baji then walked inside Chifuyu's house as if you two lived there.

You threw your shoes on the floor just like Baji, Then the two of you sat on the floor while Baji sat across you as he placed all of his books and notebooks—basically everything inside his bag, on the table between you two.

"I think I might need help teaching Baji on this one Chifuyu," You said as you opened the candy Baji gave you earlier.

"No thanks, I'm good," He said leaving the two of you at the living room as he headed towards his room.

"Oi! I thought we're all in this together?! If you don't help me I won't help Baji!" You threatened, holding Baji's grades hostage.

"Well, it's not my grades that are on the line," He said nonchalantly.

"AAAAH! Just join us Chifuyu! My grades are in danger!" Baji pleaded.

"Alright, fine, fine, I guess i'll tag along," He said walking back to the living room with Peke J in his arms.

Who would've thought that days from now...

Kazutora would kill Mikey's older brother.

Well this is embarrassing 😀

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