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Chapter three: Meeting the Cat Owner

—It's been a rough month for you, for months you've been avoiding Kisaki while also trying to find stray cats and dogs to play with.

You were lucky enough that one of your classmates agreed to switching seats with them, they probably only said yes to copy Kisaki's answers.

Anyways, you've been walking around the playground trying to find that one cat that you saw earlier.

"Kitty! Where are you?! Kitty, Kitty!" You exclaimed as you searched every bush at the playground.

Then you saw something rustling behind this one bush that you didn't notice earlier.

"Ah ha! I found you kitty," You cheered as you looked at the other side of the bush and saw the cat you found.

But beside the cat was a boy, he was petting the cat.

"Oi! I found that cat first!" You shouted but was cut off by the boy shushing you.

"Shhh! Peke J will wake up if you keep shouting!" He whispered trying not to wake the cat.

You then nod trying not to wake the cat up, you sneakily went on your way to sit beside the boy so you can get closer to the cat.

"Why did you name him Peke J? That sounds so stupid," You said saying the first thing that came up on your head.

"What do you mean stupid?! It's cool!" He exclaimed.

"Shhh!" You said shushing him as payback for him shushing you.

You two then looked at the cat to see that they were still sleeping peacefully.

The two of you just stared silently at the cat admiring them.

"What's your name by the way?" He asked.

"Well, what's your name?" You asked trying to avoid his question.

"I asked first!" He exclaimed, "I asked second," You replied with a smug face.

"Alright, let's just say our name at the count of three," He stated.

You nodded in agreement as he then began to count down.


You waited in anticipation as he counted down, wondering if you should actually tell your name or not.





And at that moment an unexpected friendship bloomed.

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