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(This is my Advance christmas gift to yall! I loved everyone's comments so I kinda wanted to continue this ╰(*'︶'*)╯♡)

Chapter Seven: Meeting the main character

—You froze on your seat as you felt fear that you've never felt before.

Every sound that used to be something that you'd never notice is now making your heart sink in every possible way.

Raising your hand as you excused yourself to the bathroom, but as soon as you stepped out of the classroom, you heard Kisaki also asking for the teacher's permission to take the bathroom.

With that you ran towards the stairs as you tried to run away from the school by foot, with nothing on you.

It wasn't your greatest decision—but let's face it, the last good decision you ever made was chasing chifuyu's cat that led you into meeting him.

Anyway, you were sweating bricks as we speak. You've never ran this fast before in your entire life, and you're not stopping now.

You ran, and ran, and ran.

And then you took a break on a random alley as you found a few yens on the ground that would be enough for a bus ride.

With zero money in hand you just grabbed the ones on the floor and took a bus and continued your unplanned runaway from Kisaki.

You continued walking when you saw a familiar boy with a blonde mohawk who seems to be buying drinks.

Out of adrenaline rush you exclamed, "I know you!"

"...I think, I don't know, but I have to talk tk you!" You continued as you walked towards the boy.

"Pardon me, but... who are you?" He asked a bit confused about what's happening.

"I'll tell you, just—not in the open." You stated as you looked around a bit paranoid from Kisaki.

But it seemed that the boy won't follow you so you grabbed him by the shoulder and told him in a very intimidating tone, "You're Takemichi, and I know you're from the future."

He flinched, he knew you we're someone he can't mess with especially since you knew his secret.

"Alright." He replied, as he followed you into an alleyway still holding a bunch of drinks.

"So..." you trailed off trying to find the words. "I'm Kisaki's neighbor, and I want to work with you to get rid of him and also help me get away from him." You continued.

Takemichi just nodded as his mind seemed to still be confused since he didn't know of you when he was in middle school, and he didn't remember any of this happening. But in the end he just shrugged it off as a butterfly effect that happened since he befriended Mikey.

"So are you in or what?" You asked, running out of patience.

"I'm in." He stated as he shaked your hands sealing the deal.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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