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Chapter two: Neighbour's kid

—At six-years-old a lot of things had happened to you at that age.

You had a younger brother, your grandpa died, your uncle was arrested for drugs since he was a rumored mafia member—we don't talk about him often.

But those were no match to the fact that you and your parents moved into a neighborhood, that's not the bad part, the bad part was when your mother had told you: "Y/n why don't you greet our neighbors? I heard they also have a son, the same age as you,"

So like any good child would do, you slipped into your slippers and went on your way to your neighbor.

You knocked on the door and waited for someone to answer.

The door creaked open and there you saw a woman, about in her late-thirties to early-fourties.

"Oh, hello little one, who might you be?" She asked as she looked down.

"Ah... my mom said—my mom said I should greet the neighbors," You stuttered peaking around for the boy your mother had stated.

"Aw, how cute, I have a son the same age as you," She said.

"Yeah, my mom told me," You said not knowing what was gonna happen next.

"Hold on, I'll call my son, come inside the house for a moment if you want." She said trying to be polite.

"No, i'll stay...here outside," You said pausing for a moment to find the word you eere looking for.

"Well, alright then, wait there," She said before leaving you outside the doorway.

You waited for a couple of minutes thay felt like hours, and then the lady from before was back.

"So, here's my son, his name is Kisaki," She said as a boy walked from behind her.

'Wait...did I hear that shit right? Key-sock-e?! Like that one antagonist in Tokyo Revengers?!' You thought staring at the boy.

The two of you maintained eye contact before you ran away.

'Nope, nope, fuck that bitch, I don't wanna be the new Hina, nope.' You thought as you slam open the door just to shut it once you got in the house.

But instead of the neighbors thinking that you didn't like the neighbor's kid, they thought you were shy.

Which comes to another misunderstanding making your new life more worse.

But what makes things more worse than before is that you're going to school now, and guess who your seatmate was?

That's right, Kisaki Tetta.

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