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Chapter five: Crying

—Once you heard the news about Kazutora going to jail you noticed how it affected Baji.

"I can't believe Kazutora killed Mikey's older brother," You said under your breath.

"It wasn't his fault!" Baji shouted, it left you confused.

"What?" You asked him, but he just turned his back on you.

You sighed and pat his shoulder, you knew how close he was to Kazutora so you sympathized him. You couldn't imagine the emotional pain he's having.

Thinking about Chifuyu doing something like that would make you act like Baji.

"It's okay Baji, we'll go through this together, you, me and Chifuyu," You said trying to comfort Baji.

But instead he just bursts his emotions all at once.

"It's NOT! Nothing's fine! We were just... trying to make Mikey happy and... it's not his fault! Kazutora doesn't deserve to be there!" He said bursting into tears.

Seeing your friend cry makes you want to cry too.

But before you can even shed a tear, Chifuyu comes in with the clutch and saves the day from having the two of you on having a breakdown.

He handed you two some yakisoba as if yoh two were beggars.

But it's not like you can refuse some free food, so you munched on it beside Baji.

"It'll get better soon, don't worry about it," Chifuyu said as he pats Baji's shoulder.

Baji sniffed as his tears flowed down his cheeks to the yakisoba.

Because of what Chifuyu said you began to tear up too.

"Oi! Why are you also crying?!" Chifuyu said pointing out the fact that you were crying.

"You said something so touching! Okay?!" You said hitting him as you cried with Baji as you shoved a bunch of Yakisoba in your mouth.

The two of you cried together at Chifuyu's house, since it's been an unspoken rule that Chifuyu's house is always the place where your three hang out.

Peke J rubs their face on your feet as you tried to breath but was unable to since you nose was clogged from all the crying you've been doing.

"I can't breath on my nose anymore," You sighed, a bit irritated at your clogged nose.

"Same," Baji said with his eyelids all puffed up.

You and Chifuyu laughed your asses off at Baji's puffy eyelids, it was so puffy that he looked like his eyes were closed.

After laughing so much the three of you decided to end the day by watching a movie before going home.

You all went home thinking that nothing was gonna change, but you were wrong.

Very wrong.

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