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Chapter six: Seatmate

—Everyday you worry about Baji since he's been a bit serious and more closed off than before, He doesn't hangs out with your and Chifuyu as he frequently do.

Chifuyu just brushed it off saying that Baji's just struggling with his schoolwork since were now in middle school.

Even though you're literally two years younger than Baji you can't help but feel like your the older one.

Sighing, you went on your way to school completely forgetting about the menace in your neighborhood that was named Kisaki.

Well, he's not really a menace to the neighborhood. He's a menace to you specifically.

You were just fixing your hair with your small mirror, when you saw a familiar boy a few stes behind you.

And with that you ran, as if you were a runner or a trackstar.

"Wait up! I SAID WAIT UP!" Your younger brother yelled as he tried to catch up to you.

Your body went to a fight or flight mode when you saw Kisaki's face on the mirror that you almost left your younger brother that you had at chapter two.

When you got off your fight or flight mode you went back to your poor younger brother and walked beside him.

Ever since you've been reincarnated to this universe you can't help but feel something deep in your gut when you see Kisaki.

He just feels...off.

It felt like what your feeling is connected to your past life, that you are sadly forgetting little by little.

But you can't always ignore him. He is your neighbor and classmate.

"Good morning." The boy behind you said, somewhat startling you.

"Yeah, morning." You greeted back as you looked away as you walked faster dragging your brother.

The athmosphere between you and Kisaki was very awkward.

So you decided to make the first move and decided to make an alibi, "Oh my god! (Brother's name)! We're late!"

You then just carried your brother and ran away.

But it was true though, he was going to be late. Since you two took a small trip at the convinience store earlier.

"Do you like Kisaki-san?" Your brother asked as you automatically screamed, "Hell NO!"

"Alright fine! Whatever you say." He said as he looked at his power ranger watch and saw That he was indeed about to be late.

"Faster big sis! I don't wanna be late!" Your brother yelled as he pulled your newly fixed hair.

"Shut up! I'm going as fast as I can!" You yelled back as you ran swifltly, dodging obstacles and drifting through curves.

You then dropped your brother by the school gate yelling "Go! Go! Go!"

It did give you a few stares, but it's better than staying with Kisaki and that awkward athmosphere.

You decided to catch your breath for a second when you looked at your watch and saw that your the one that's going to be late now.

"Fuck!" You cursed as you ran towards to your school with your sweat ass self.

'I should've asked my parents for a bike on my birthday!!!' You thought as your legs ached from running so much but couldn't srop since you were going to be late.

You luckily arrived a minute before the teacher walked in.

You pulled your handkerchief from your pockets and wiped your entire face, after you did that your handkerchief was drenched in sweat.

And then you chugged some water in your bottle.

After you've relieved yourself, that's when you realized. You sat next to Kisaki.

Turns out his seatmate sat on your seat.

'Oh my god,I can feel his stare burning my skull.' You thought as you tried to listen to your teacher.

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