Chapter 1

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Today was a somewhat normal day, except the fact that his sister and her family are moving into his apartment complex. 'Couldn't she at least tell me a week before hand?' Haru thought. Once he received the call they they just got to there apartment and where unpacking, Haru quickly asked Yukihiro if he could take the rest of the day off. "I am sorry to ask suddenly, but may I have the rest of the day off?" Haru asked. It was more of him pleading, but Yukihiro was never gonna say no to their most hard working person in his division.
"Of course, and I insist you take the week of has well."
"I don't need a week, only today."
"I insist."

Haru was about to yell that he didn't need it when he felt a hand on his shoulder.
"Take the day off, stop winning about it." Haru could tell who said that. He yanked his hand of off Haru's shoulder. But before he could blow up and yell into Daisuke's face he got a message.

What time do you wanna
come over?

I'll be there in a sec


Haru bolted out of the office. If it was any other person who messaged him he might not have run so fast, but he and his sister where close and after there parents died they relied on each other a whole lot.

Daisuke's POV
Haru practically sprinted out of the office, I wonder what was up, he never asks for the day off. "HEUSC, show me Haru's recent messages." "Yes sir, here you are." HEUSC replied. The person he was taking to seemed to be close to Haru. The girl, Megami, was taking about moving and I guess Haru went to help her. "HEUSC what's there relationsh-"

I was cut off my a loud bang. Shinnosuke had ran through the doors and he was panting, a lot.
At seeing Shinnosuke like that, Saeki ran to him and told him to breathe.
"I was walking back to our department building when I saw that there was another murder on the main highway right outside form building. The weird thing was, that person looked a lot like Haru."
We all stood there silent.
"Was the face covered." I had asked.
"I caught a glimpse of the person before they covered there fa-"
"Then it was most likely not Haru." I cut in.

They stared at me for a second before they started to try and figure out if it really was Haru.

Haru's POV
Despite being told not to go to work, I still went. I said goodbye to Yutto, Megami's husband, because after we finished packing Megani and there daughter went to sleep, while we started talking about this and that before we both fell asleep.

When I arrived at work the moment I opened the door I heard screaming.
It was Saeki. She ran over to me crying and I started to hug her.
"If I may ask, why wouldn't I be?"
Shinnosuke started to walk over and give me a hug to.
"I saw a person who looked a lot like you yesterday, except they where murdered."
My eyes widened after hearing that. It was hard not to laugh, they would have been notified if it was me who died. But it still made me happy to see then caring for me.

After they let go of me, I headed to my work desk. Not even a minute later the door swung open reviling Aiko and Magemi.
"Sorry to bug you, but I was going to head to my work place because I got called in, will you take care of Aiko for me?" Aiko ran at me once she saw me, and she started to give me a bear hug. I smiled a gave her a kiss on her forehead.
"Of course. I was supposed to take today off, so this works out perfectly!"
"YAY I get to hang out with Papa." Wait doesn't Aiko mean uncle?
"Thank you very much, I'll be heading out now!"
"By Mommy! Love you!" Said Aiko.
"Love you too dearie! And thanks again Haru! Love ya!"
"Love ya too." I said with a smile. Me and my sister don't love each other like that. But it's become something we always say to each other. It's comforting.

I take Aiko's hand and I say my goodbyes to everyone in the work place. They all seemed stunned but before I can't ask why Aiko is pulling my hand out of the door. This is gonna be an enjoyable day.

Daisuke POV
We all just sat there for a second. The women that walked through the door was definitely Megami. She had black hair and hazel eyes. While her daughter had dark brown hair and she also has hazel eyes. Aiko's hair was short has Megami's was long.

The first one to speak was Saeki. "HARU IS MARRIED!" She screamed. Shinnosuke also chimed in, " AND HE HAS A DAUGHTER!"
I was still in shock after seeing that. Haru was...married. It hurt a little, not gonna lie.

But how could that be? When I first came to this division I did a background check on everyone here. There was not mention of Haru having a wife. Nor a daughter. I stood up very abruptly, knocking over my chair. Everyone stared at me. About a minute later though, they started to talk about it again, looking away from me. I quickly ran out of the room without anyone noticing me. I think I was about to cry.

This cannot be right.

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