Chaper 6

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Haru's POV

When I looked across the room I spotted my sister, but she wasn't angry, she was..laughing? I wasn't expecting that. Then I notice that she is holding the ring she gave me. When walking in the theater she must have slipped it off of my hand without me realizing it, nor her. I don't care about that though, it seems Daisuke is cleared of having any information related to her case.

     She turns her back to me and before you know it she is gone.


"...thank you again."
Daisuke gave me another kiss and he stared to walk out of the room beckoning me to follow.

     He took me to the room where Suzue usually is, and because of that I noticed that Suzue was asleep on the chair with her arms all over the desk. I was about to wake her when Daisuke tapped me, he pointed to the security footage from right outside the mansion, and guess who he spotted? It was my sister again. I facepalmed. I whispered sorry to Daisuke, he just gave me another kiss on my cheek.

When we got back to my room Daisuke was probably wanting an explanation for why my sister was outside of his mansion a minute ago. I sat down on the bed has I explained how she was able to get in here and why she came here, I made sure to tell him that she only came one other time. He raised an eyebrow at me but then just shrugged.

     Tomorrow I get to go back to work, so I asked Daisuke if he could give me a ride. He just simply nodded, thought I could still tell he was sad to see me go.

Once I got home I went to Megami's apartment, and I greeted Yutto and Aiko. Megami was smiling because she saw what happened between me and Daisuke. Aiko already knows what my sister does for a living so I don't mind talking about it in front of her.



"Why where you spying on me?"

"How could I pass up the opportunity to see my dear old brother getting a boyfriend?"
Yutto and Aiko's eye widened. "AWWW!" Aiko says. "Soooo who is it?" Yutto says next, they all sound like teenagers at a slumber party talking about boys. Well I guess we are. "It's Daisuke." I say it so quiet they can't hear me. "Say who?" Magemi says in a sarcastic voice. "It's Daisuke." I say louder. Aiko just jumps up and down saying yay! Yutto just smiled. He has always known when somebody would be getting together with another, and he was always right.

"Now mind explaining Megami?" I say. "When I sneaked into your room I noticed how you closed it when you spotted me, so I quickly went to to the dark corner of the room and hid on the celling. You know I have great balance so it was easy for me. But when Daisuke started to cuddle you, instead of sneaking out I decided to stay." She continues, " thanks for keeping cover of me though when you noticed me moving away." Has she said that she yanked my hand forward that had the ring on it. "I also wanted to see this." I started to blush and I quickly stood up and said my goodbyes.

"Thank goodness that was a little torcher." I say to myself. When I open my apartment I quickly make myself some dinner and I take my sleeping pill, I then fell asleep not long after.

     The next day I quickly got up and ready at about 4:30 am. I'm a little surprised I slept for so long, but I'm not gonna complain. I got to the office at about 5:00. It didn't take me long to get to the office seeing how I wasn't hungry and didn't bother to make food. I quickly got some coffee and started work.

At around 8:00 I left to get some food because I started to get hungry. I was suddenly stoped by Hoshino. "Senpai, may I ask something of you?" I nodded and smiled. " Of course, what is it?" Hoshino's face suddenly got a little pink has he spoke, " you would like to go get breakfast with me?" Before I could answer I was hugged from behind. I realized it was Daisuke who wrapped his arms around my waist. Hoshino started to scowl has he saw Daisuke behind me.

"Daisuke are you ok, feeling sick?" I would usually yell at him but he really did seem tired. He didn't let go of my waist has he started to look up at me. "Can't we both just have today off." He sounded tired, and he had bags under his eyes. "I am already almost done with work, we can rest after ok? You need to do your work too." Daisuke nodded and I turned back to Hoshino. "I would love to, but maybe on another date, I'm sorry." I quickly bowed and I walked back to the Modern Crimes part of the building.

Daisuke's POV

When I saw Hoshino trying to ask Haru on a date I acted tired and it worked, he told Hoshino he couldn't today, and we started to walk back. When we entered the room I let go of Haru and I went to my desk, Haru did the same.

After we had finished our work it was about 10:00am so I decided to ask Haru to join me for some brunch. But he phone went off before I could leave my seat. Haru sighed and started to walk out of the room, I followed close behind. "Haru what was the case?" I asked. I held his hand and he squeezed it. "There was another murder and we are to help the first division." He said. He seemed tired again. "Haru where you up latest night?" I asked. "No, I went to bed at 9:30. Thought I did wake up at around 4 today." That was why.

"You need to take care of yourself better."

"I know, but sometimes it's hard."

"You can always stay at my place if you want to." Haru smiled, "thank you." He Then gave me a little kiss on my forehead. I could tell I was blushing slightly, I smiled back.

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