Chapter 9

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Haru's POV

     I turned around to a familiar figure. "Chiyo." I said bitterly. Chiyo is my cousin, she is older than me by a year.

"It's my favorite brother, though I am sad I couldn't prepare anything for you." Chiyo gave me a devilish smile.

     Chiyo has always hated my parents, they where always kind and helpful. But Chiyo parents are the opposite. She was always jealous of me and my sister, but she never hated us. In fact that was also the opposite. We where like her little siblings that she wanted to protect.

     Chiyo started to hold out her arms and she gave me a hug.

"Chiyo, why are you here?"

     I never really liked Chiyo, she always had a dark aura to her. And she was always a little bit crazy. When me and my sister ran away after our parents died, we decided to never speak of her again. She was like a reincarnation of the devil.

     I remember once I was pushed on the play ground by another kid, Chiyo happened to be with us. She fist helped me with my cut. Then she wanted me to point out the kid that hurt me. Long story short, she went to juvenile jail for 2 years after that. I'm just surprised they didn't give her longer.

"I just wanted to grab the attention of my dear sweet little brother." She started to smile again. "Is that so wrong?"

"When you kill people it is! Chiyo when will you get that hurting others is never the answer?" She looked at me with a face of betrayal and she backed away.

She has a dark monotoned voice had she spoke. "The people I killed where being rude to me, and they also hurt you when we where younger. I just wanted to teach them to be kinder." She started to walk to me again.

"You should never kill anyone! If you wanted my attention you should have just come to my work place, I'm pretty sure you know where I work and what I do."

"But this was so much fun! And I learned a lot after the first time. I learned how to not get caught." She smirked has she said that.

"Chiyo." I sounded angry, I was. Chiyo was something of a stalker, so she definitely knew where I worked. And that I can simply take her in right now.

"Yes?  Oh, and that reminds me, I have been meaning to ask, who was the boy you have been hanging out with? I just wanna know his name." I started to walk towards her.

"Chiyo, hold out your hands." I was planning on handcuffing her, but instead she brought out her knife. She took a swing and I miraculously dodged.

"I want to have a little more fun. I could kill you, maybe Megami to. You where always the weaker one. I know I wouldn't win against Megami. But you, I can." She continued, "I love you very much, but you shouldn't be giving your time to others. I could just kill that friend of yours I see you hold hands with all of the time. Or maybe I could just isolate you, only allowing you to go to work. Or maybe I could kill the man who traumatized you even more!"

"How long have you been watching me!"I yelled. This was starting to get frustrating. But I can't just leave a serial killer here without even trying to take them in.

"Let's see." She puts her hand that's not holding the knife, on her chin. "Two, no maybe three years I believe." She let her hands down and she smiled again. She pulled something out of her jacket and threw it right in front of me.

A revolver.

"Tell you what. If you can fire one shot at me, I'll turn myself in. I don't care where you hit me." She put her arms down to her side and she spread her feet a apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2021 ⏰

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