Chapter 8

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Haru's POV

At about 7:30 I told Daisuke that we need to head to work.

"We can always ask for a day off."

"You know that I don't like to take days off, and that case, we still have to work on it. Now get up." I replied. Daisuke just groaned and got up. His suit was a little wrinkled so I started to smooth it out.

To my surprise he let me. Before we left I took a look at myself in the mirror, I looked normal no streaks of tears shown. 'Like nothing happened' I thought. When we walked out of the building I happened to spot Megami walking back to her apartment. I started to wave, and she did the same.

A couple of minutes later, me and Daisuke where in his car, I got a message from Megami.

I don't think your Bf likes

I have to agree, but what
did he do this time?

He kept scowling at me when you
waved to me
I think you got urself a jealous Bf

I have to agree on that
last part

I started to smile at my phone and I rolled my eyes. Me and Daisuke where sitting on comfortable silence. Of course he was still holding my hand. When we arrived the police station, I saw Hoshino right outside of the building. Has I started to walk towards him, Daisuke kept holding my hand, except this time he intertwined our fingers. A slight blush spread across my face as I met up with Hoshino.

"We got the autopsy back if you want to look through it, Haru." Hoshino said.

"Thank you!" I said. I already know what happened to them, but I don't want to say so.

"By the way, did you get any information on who the victims where?" Hoshino simply shook his head. I thanked him again and I walked away.

"I have a tiny feeling you already know what happened, don't you?" Daisuke said.

I froze for a second, Daisuke could always tell when I was lying so I replied with the truth.

"I do, but I don't want to be rude. And you might not know what happened to them unlike myself." He simply nodded. When we walked into the building we went to our seats and started to work.

Hoshino's POV

When I handed the autopsy to Haru I noticed he had a ring on, I decided to not think much about it. Instead what I kept thinking about was how Daisuke was completely attached to Haru, and Haru didn't even act like he cared!

And if I am not mistaken, I already knew that Haru knew about what happened to the victims. But yet he accepted the autopsy anyways.

I remember yesterday when Haru and Daisuke arrive, I saw how close they where. And I saw how Daisuke seemed to care about what was happening to Haru. I must be dreaming right? Haru hates rich people, and he also hates people who are snarky. But it looks like he found himself one person with both of those traits, and yet he seems to fall for him.

I need to check if I am right, I'll check when we get called together for the case again.

Daisuke's POV

Me and Haru decided to have lunch together. I can tell that Haru already brought his own, so I'll just get something from a café real quickly.

When I walk in I notice Megami in the corner on her laptop, I try to look away but she still notices me. She shuts her laptop and right has I get out of the café with my food, she taps my shoulder.

"Can I help you?"

"I just wanted to tell you something real quick. Haru told me a little about the case he is on, the reason why he might act off on this case is because the victims where killed the same way out parents where. He was only seven at the time but he remembers everything that happened that night. That might be why he acts weird on this case."

Haru's parents where killed the same way as the makes sense.

"Thank you." I said

I hurried back to Haru, when he came into view I gave him a hug. We where in the hallway so there where a couple of people watching us. Never the less Haru gave me a hug back.

"What's wrong?"

I looked back at Haru, but I didn't say anything.

"It's hard to read you sometimes." Haru said. He let out a sigh and continued to give me a hug. When I pulled away I took Haru's hand and we started to walk out of the building.

"Daisuke, is there something wrong?" Haru asked. I shook my head. I keep dragging him to my car when we spotted a certain someone. With Haru's free hand he waved at Hoshino. I simply scowled.

"Any new information on the case?" Haru said.

"We identified the victims, you might want to look over there files." Hoshino replied. When Hoshino saw how me and Haru where holding hands he started to clench his fist. I started to smirk. I want to prove a point to Hoshino, so without warning I kissed Haru, Haru was shocked but played along. Once we let go Hoshino's face was of pure shock.

"I'm sorry Hoshino I have to go." Haru quickly said, face still flushed. He got into the car and I did the same.

After work I didn't find Haru anywhere in the room we where in. I quickly messaged him asking where he was. He didn't reply.

Haru's POV

When I was going through the victims files earlier I saw a sort of encryption in the description of each person. It wasn't obvious, it was actually difficult to find. But once I saw how the numbers that related to each person, like there apartment numbers, the number of siblings, and the number of missing relatives, I
notices that each number went with a word in their description.

The murder was talking about a certain family that betrayed them, it seemed like a normal revenge murder, that is until I got to the last couple of words. They where talking about my parents. It was my parents murder. I quickly went to the ally way where we found the corpses and that's when I heard a voice.

"You came earlier than expected."

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