Chapter 4

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Haru's POV

     When we first arrived at the mansion I was pretty pissed off, but when he showed me my room I started to cool down. Then I realized that this room is larger than my whole apartment, and I got angry again.

     I quickly took a bath and I dried myself off. I smiled at myself and I walked back to the bedroom, to my (not) surprise I saw Megami there. I ran up to her an gave her a hug. Megami and me both wanted to do something that had to do with the law when we where younger. So I became a police officer, while she became a sort of spy for the government.  It was no surprise to me that she found me and snuck in here. She was always stealthy, while I was always fast but loud.

     Me and Megami started to talk about what happened with the criminal. And to me. She also gave me some cookie's her family made. I gladly excepted. Sadly at about 6:00 pm she said she had to go. I gave her one last hug and I set the basket of cookies down has I left my room.

     Then I remembered, my sister doesn't always give me things because she wants to. I quickly made my way back to my room, but I found Daisuke in there looking at the basket my sister gave me. When he noticed me, he pointed to the basket and said, " who gave you these?" I started to tense up. " my sister delivered them a couple minutes ago." He gave me a skeptic look, he was probably wondering how she did that, but he still nodded. " I came to tell you dinner will be ready soon." I quickly said thank you and I looked in the basket. And at the bottom I noticed a letter and a tiny box.

     The letter stated that we should be careful around Daisuke, she says he looks much like a person of interest from one of her cases. And the box held a simple ring that recorded everything I said. I whispered are you there? Into the ring and my phone went off, it was my sister saying yes. 

     I was a little saddened that my sister thinks that Daisuke would do something like that but I have to trust her judgment. She is usually right. I heard another knock on the door and I aloud the person to open it. A maid walked in and started to tell me dinner was ready. I quickly got up and I followed the maid to the dinning room.

     My tried to  covered the ring, but Daisuke ended up noticed it. When we sat down, the maids and butlers left. "That's a nice ring you got, where did you get it?" Daisuke asked. "My sister gave it to me." I replied. I was a little nervous but I was always a good actor has long has I wasn't flustered.

"You said your sister lives in the same complex has you right?"

"Yes. Why?"

"No reason. Say Haru, tomorrow is a Saturday, would you like to go somewhere together then?"

"W-what? I'm, s-sure why not!" I was starting to get nervous again. "Good. Also you will be staying here for a week or so." Huh? "I really do appreciate it, but I'm going back to my apartment tomorrow. And my sister probably wants to see me." I caught a glimpse of Daisuke scowling when I mentioned my sister. But he soon returned his poker face.

     After dinner I headed back to my room and pulled out my phone.

Was  that good?
   In all honesty I don't see how
he is a person of interest

I know you have a slight
thing for the guy, but trust
me ok, and also don't
do anything weird, I don't
want to hear it through the mic

Fuck you

Daisuke POV

     "Haru has messaged Magemi master," HEUSC said. "Open the messages." I say. 'So I am a person of interest to Magemi Kato.' I think. Has I keep reading thought I start to blush. Why would Megami say that! I bet the microphone is in Haru's ring. I begin to walk to Haru's room. It's late so I think he is asleep. This walls are sound proof so I didn't expect to hear screaming form the guest room when I opened the door. I ran to Haru and I shook him awake. I when he saw me he started to give me a hug, he also started to cry. It felt sad to see him like that, so I hugged back while tracing circles on his back.

"I'm here. I'm not gonna let you go ok? Lets stop these tears." Has I said that I held his head in my hands a wiped away his tears. "What happened?" I said in a gentle voice. I sat across from him on the bed. I still hand my hands cupping his head.
"My parents died for a-a certain reason, I just started to r-recall what happened to them." I could tell there was something he wasn't telling me, but I didn't want to press any further.

     I had an idea, but I was afraid of what Haru would say, I decided to go for it anyways. "Would you like me to stay here with you for the night?" He didn't say anything, he just nodded his head. I laid down next to him. I was trying to be careful as I put my arms around him, to my surprised he did the same. He started to cuddle into my chest and I let him. This might be the only time I will be able to cuddle him without him getting angry at me. If I am lucky, maybe I will be able to do this every night.

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