Chapter 2

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Daisuke's POV

     I ran to the bathroom and hurried into a stall. Thankfully no one was in the bathroom. Before I could ask HEUSC to see if Haru was really married, I could feel something  wet on my face. It was tears. I was sad at the thought that I had already lost Haru before I even got a chance.

     I wiped my tears, it would be shameful if anybody saw me like this. I quickly called HEUSC. " Is Haru Kato married?" I had asked. "On his official documents it states that he is in no relationship with another women." HEUSC replied. That was what I thought the documents said, but maybe he got married in secret. That would explain why no one knew about it.

      I quickly splashed water on my face and headed out of the bathroom. When I got to my car I had  HEUSC clear the roads so I could go home quicker.

     Has I entered my home I saw Suzue there to greet me. I showed no sign that I was sad and I quickly made it to the place Suzue works the most. I then looked to see what Haru was doing. Once we located him I kept watch. I could tell Suzue was confused has to why I was watching my co-worker, but she didn't ask. I spent the rest of the day watching Haru on the monitor.

Haru POV

     When I arrived at work the next day, everyone was staring at me again. "What?" I said. It came out rude but I was getting annoyed so I didn't care. I also noticed that Daisuke looked very tired. More than normal. Before I could ask about it Saeki started to speak. "Sooooo your married?" I was drinking some coffee when she said that. I spat it out and I started to yell. "What the hell gave you that idea?!" I was pretty pissed off but she just stared at me.
"So your not?" Daisuke asked.  I furrowed my brows and I put my hand on my forehead.
" If I where to get married I would tell you guys." I was trying to keep my cool but I don't think it was working.

I stopped thinking about what Saeki asked and did my work. On my lunch break I got a message.

Want to each lunch together
Like we used to?
                                                      I would love to!

     I started to smile. Yutto was my best friend since middle school. It's how he and Magemi met. I quickly stood up and started to walk away. When I left the room I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I turn around to see Daisuke. "Can I help you?" It sounded nice because I was in a good mood. "Would you like to have lunch together?" I was shocked. I never expected to be asked to lunch my Daisuke. "Im sorry, someone else already asked me." I gave a nervous laugh while my hand was on my neck.

     Daisuke simply nodded and I took my leave. When I got out of the building my phone rang again.

Let's meet at the Café
on Main Street

  Ok, I'll see you in a sec!

I looked up and smiled again had I started to walk to Main Street.

Daisuke POV

     I was starting to get frustrated at this point. I got the wrong idea last time, and he turned me down today because of someone else. "HEUSC show me Haru's messages." I say. "Yes sir, there you go master Daisuke." I look through his messages and I see he is texting somebody named Yutto. I look at there messages to each other and I see that they where already planing on meeting up.

     When Haru comes back to office I am still a little frustrated, but I don't show it. A couple minuted later me and Haru are asked to do an assignment. It's simple really. Find a man who is a drug dealer. It shouldn't take long, the only problem is that the moment we saw the man Haru practically jumped out of the car. "That idiot!" I yelled. I quickly told HEUSC to take care of the car while I went after Haru.

     When I get back to Haru he already has handcuffs on the culprit. But before you know it, the man pulls out a syringe and jams it into Haru'a thigh. The police came , the came at the exact moment when Haru fell over.

     Haru is quickly taken to the hospital. No one can tell what was injected into him, but he seems to be in a lot of pain. I stayed at the hospitals  waiting room for a couple of hours until they finally said I can go see him. When he sees me he smiles. I can't help but smile back. His smile is so cute, I don't get to see it that often. But I also don't think he can think properly because I'm the last person he would smile to. I walk towards him I start to question him a little bit. Nothing bad, but things like how do you feel? And did the doctors find out what was injected into you? "No, not yet. But the doctors say its not permanette if I am lucky I will be out of here by tomorrow!" I got a sense of relief hearing him say that. 

Just when I was about to ask something else I saw three people walking in. It was Megami, Aiko, but I don't know who the last person is.  He has dark brown hair like Aiko's but he has blue eyes. "Hello." I said. Megami gave me an odd look until Haru started to speak, "This is Daisuke, Daisuke meet Megami, Aiko, and Yutto. They are family. And Daisuke is my partner." I said.  Megami started to wash away her odd look and said, "nice to meet you." "It's lovely to meet you too." I said.

     Before we could say anything more the nurse wanted to speak with Megami snd Yutto. When I looked back at Haru he was asleep. He looks so calm and cute when he is like that. I started to smile when I felt a tap on my shoulder. "Are you Mr. Daisuke Kambe?" Aiko asked. I was surprised she knew my full name, but never the less I said yes. "So your the one papa was talking so much about!"

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