Chapter 5

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Haru's POV

When I woke I realized it was one of the first days in years I slept well. One thing about me is that I have insomnia. I usually have to take a sleeping pill, but I didn't bring any of them with me. It's the reason I work over time, because I am afraid to sleep. Sometimes when my insomnia gets really bad, I will start screaming in my sleep.

I started to shift when I heard a low groan. I opened my eyes to see Daisuke right in front of me. I jump back, somehow I don't wake Daisuke. I quickly got to the bathroom to take a bath, and to clean myself up.

When I exit the bathroom I notice that Daisuke is waking up. I go over to him and I poke him. He groans again and I let out a small laugh. When he opens his eyes he quickly gets up and gives me a hug. "Umm what are you doing?" I ask. This is very confusi- I remember, it's all coming back to me. I try to hold in my tears and I hug him back. "Are you ok now?" Daisuke asks. "I am fine, thank you." Is all I manage to say. He keeps hugging me and I can tell my heart is speeding up. I quickly pull away when I realize it is.

"Didn't you want to go somewhere today?" I ask. "I'll be ready In less than half an hour. You should come to breakfast then." He reply's. I look back on my phone and I see that I have 3 missed messages font from Magemi. Apparently she over heard me screaming and was about to come and get me when she heard Daisuke try to calm me down.

I recorded the whole thing

send it to me

Will do!
Audio message 4:21


Daisuke POV

When I got to the dinning room I noticed that Haru was already there, and I was already notified my HEUSC about Megami messaging Haru. At least now she knows I plan on keeping Haru. I sit down next to Haru and we begin to eat, we talk a little bit but we are both very hungry. After we finish eating, I take Haru to my car and we start to drive away. I notice that Haru still has that ring on so I have to be careful about what I say.

"Where are we going Daisuke?"

"It's a surprise."

"Why does it have to be a surprise, just tell me."

I grab his hand and I begin to speak, "Because I want it to be." I look back at Haru and he is a blushing mess, I love it. Even when I finish speaking I don't let go if his hand. When we get out I see Haru's face light up. I decided that because he hates expensive places I might has well bring him to a place that's not expensive, nor fancy. I brought him to the movie theater. The thing is, I bought tickets to a scary movie called the conjuring. I can tell he doesn't like horror movies.

I bought some popcorn while still holding his hand, I don't want to let go any time soon. "Daisuke, I just real quickly wanted to say thank you." Haru said. He is adorable, I smile and without thinking I give him a peck on the cheek. He starts to blush a lot but I act like I don't notice. I keep holding his hand and when we get to see the movie name, he notices what it is he quickly grabs onto my arm. I start to smirk because I was planning on this happening. This is gonna be fun.

Haru's POV

He. Fucking. Chose. The. Conjuring. I quickly grabbed his arm and he started to smirk, I would have yelled at him if there weren't so many people in the theater.

Once the movie was over I was practically using Daisuke has a human shield. "It's over now I promise." I heard Daisuke say. I looked passed him and I saw the ending credits. I sighed and I started to stand Daisuke pulled me down before I could say anything more he cupped my face again. He started to smirk and he hugged me. I was confused but I hugged him back.

Daisuke's POV

I couldn't do it again. I have tried to kiss him twice but I failed both times. At least I am getting hugged. I quickly stand up and we both walk out of the theater holding hands. I drive us back to the mansion when Haru's phone went off. I peaked over his shoulder. I saw how it was his sister. I started to scowl but when Haru looked over at me I went back to a normal face. His sister wanted to see him again. That's when I notice he doesn't have his ring on.

I quickly got out of the car with Haru and walked into the mansion. I went back to the guest room with Haru. When Haru opened the door he quickly closed it. "What's wrong?" I asked. "Just feeling a tad bit sick, I'm fine." I could tell otherwise. I opened the door for Haru and started to speak, "you don't seem to be sick." I could tell someone was in the room so I was more than happy to put on a show for them. I put my hand to Haru's forehead and I noticed him blushing. "Maybe you should lay down for a minute." I said.

Has Haru went to lay down I laid next to him and asked him I could hug him. "S-sure b-b-but don't you w-want to get r-ready for a-a-any meetings you m-might have?" When Haru stutters it's hard not to kiss him. I quickly turned to Haru and he did the same. I cupped his face like before, and I did it, I kissed Haru.

Haru's POV

Daisuke is kissing me, it's hard to not melt away. Though I quickly remembered my sister was in the room, that's why I closed the door so abruptly. I quickly pulled away out of breath, when turned to look back at Daisuke he just started to cuddle me. I could hear Daisuke mumble something but I couldn't tell what he said.

"What did you say?"

"Haru, I like you."

My face turned scarlet and I spoke, " I like you has well." He looked up at me a kissed me again, the he got up. He pulled me along with him. He held my hand in the open space and intertwined our fingers. Then he spoke, " I know you hate when I buy things with my money when it's not for something serious, but would you wear this ring for me?" My face somehow got even redder and I mumbled yes. He put it on me, and wore the matching one. He then whispered in my ear a thank you. All I could do was smile.

Before I could say anything I spotted my sister at the other end of the room.

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