Chapter 7

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Haru's POV

     When we got to the crime scene I first noticed how much of a blood bath happened. The whole ally way was covered, and right in the middle there where three corpses. It smelled horrible, I had to cover my nose.

Without even thinking about the others around me I went to inspect the corpses, there where two female and one male. All had brown hair and brown eyes, and each of them where in work attire.

I inspected the wounds that they had and I froze. These look like the wounds my parents sustained on the day they passed. When my sister saw how our parents where killed, she decided to use the same technique for torturing because it was affective, but in reality I know she uses it to scare our parents killer who was never caught.

They first break the persons jaw, after they tie them up. And then victim won't be able to yell for help. Then they cut them all over there body, little slits that looks harmless but hurt like hell. They lastly shoot them in the leg, and then in the chest. They are left to bleed out.

"Haru, are you ok?"

I felt a hand on my shoulder. "I'm fine Daisuke, I just need to make a quick call." I said quickly. I walked out of the ally way and I called Megami.

"Would you care to explain?"I asked.

"What do you mean, Haru are you ok? You sound like your about to cry."

"I'm fine, Megami did you happen to come across a target on the alley way on the left, nearest to our apartment complex?"

"If I where to kill someone I wouldn't leave evidence. I know neither of us want to say this, but maybe it's our parents killer if they look like me..." At that point, I think we where both holding in our tears.

"I'll consider it, thank you."

"Of course, and be careful." We hung up after that. I quickly wiped my eyes making sure it didn't look like I was about to cry.

"Is something wrong?" I could hear Daisuke whisper into my ear. "No, I'm fine." I gave him a fake smile and I continued to look for any evidence near by.

When we where dismissed for the day, I started to speed walk home. I felt like screaming. That son of a bitch that killed my parents might have come back. I can't except this, I will kill them before I let them hurt anyone else again. Though I know I shouldn't.

Daisuke POV

When we had arrived at the crime scene, Haru seemed normal but after he inspected the corpses he froze. When I asked what was wrong he lied and said it was nothing. And after he made his phone call I could tell he was trying not to cry, I want to ask what it is but I don't want to pry and make him frustrated.

When we where dismissed I noticed that Haru was practically running to his apartment.

"Haru!" He stopped and turned around. I came to him and I gave him a hug. I could tell he was a little shocked but he returned it.

"Want me to drive you home? Or if you want wanna come to my mansion?"

"I'll go back to my apartment, thank you Daisuke." I smiled and I held his hand till we got into the car.

When we got to Haru's apartment I told him to lay down and I would try and make some food for him. Though I still had to ask HEUSC for a lot of help. "I think I got it. Haru! Come and eat!" I yelled. I didn't hear anything from him and I knocked on his bedroom door. No reply. I decided to open it and I noticed that Haru had fallen asleep. On the floor. 'What am I gonna do with you?' I though. I smiled and I started to wake him.

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