Chapter 3

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Daisuke POV

     "What?" I said. I could tell that my face was turning a little red. Aiko just smiled. "A couple days ago me and papa where spending the day together, he told me all about his co-workers, especially you!" Aiko said. "What did he say about me?" I was getting curious. I saw what Haru was doing that day, but I couldn't hear him very clearly because it was so crowded with loud people. "Well he started saying how much he hates how you spend your money, but after a while he started to say he enjoys having you around, and he also said you are cute." Aiko was about 12 years old, I can tell she is close with Haru.

     My face was has red has a tomato. I quickly asked if he said anything else. Aiko nodded, "He also said you look cool, and though he might hate how you spend your money he still wants to spend time with you, he says he would spend more time with you if he could." It feels nice hearing that. But I don't believe it. He turned me down last time I asked if he wanted to spend time with me, though I guess he was already asked by another person. "Say Aiko, what's Haru's relationship with your parents?"

     Aiko smiled even wider. "He is mother's brother, and he is best friends with Father." It felt good to hear that. I still had a chance. I was gonna ask Aiko another thing about what Haru had told her, when her parents got back. I could tell my blush was gone, which is a good thing.

     When Megami and Yutto saw how Haru was asleep they quickly said there goodbyes to me, and told me if Haru wakes up to tell them. I quickly nodded. I turned back to Haru when they left and I put my hand on his. His hand is so warm and soft. Before I can't think of anything else I doze off to sleep.

Haru's POV

     When I woke up I felt much better, there was no pain anywhere. I was thankful. I started to sit up when I realized someone was next to me. I looked over and I saw Daisuke holding my hand. I almost jolted my hand back, but it wasn't causing me harm, why not let him keep holding it. I started to smile. Then it hit me, Daisuke Kambe is holding my hand and sleeping on the side of the hospital bed. Well  shit.  I could feel my face heating up. I quickly tried to lay down again.

     It was really late at night, I should get to bed. I turned my body to look at Daisuke real quickly, I stared at his face for a second, then I squeezed his hand a little bit. I tried to drift off but it was hard with him next to me. I looked over at him again and I say his eyes open looking at me. I felt my face heating up, and I tried to hide it.  After about a minute I looked back at him. He was smirking like usual. "I spy a blushing Haru." He said. I hit him with my other hand. I tried to take back my hand he was holding but he wouldn't let go. "Give me my hand back Daisuke." I said.

"I don't want to."

"Your being stubborn, let go."

"No, I plan on keeping it. Also I plan on staying the rest of the night here."

I hit him again with my other hand, "Fine, but be quiet asshole." He simply nodded and I started to fall asleep.

The next day I was discharged. I woke up a little before the nurse entered to tell me, before she spoke I but my finger to my mouth and told her to shh and to be quiet. She noticed Daisuke and she nodded. She came to my other side and whispered into my ear that I will be discharged in about an hour. I nodded and whispered a thank you.

     I laid down, but the moment the nurse walked out I could hear her fangirling. I facepalmed. A couple minutes after the nurse stopped, I could see Daisuke was waking up.  When his eyes where completely open he stared at me for a second before speaking, "You have pretty eyes." He said. I started to blush and I hit him again.

     When he looked back up at me he was smiling, not a smirk, not a fake smile, but a smile smile. I could feel my heart skipping a beat. And I turned away.

"I am getting discharged today."

"What did you say?"

"I said I am getting discharged today." I said annoyed. I turned my head back to face him and I realized we where still holding hands. I yanked my hand back and I stated to look for my phone.

Daisuke POV

     I was a little sad Haru pulled his hand away. But he started to look for something. "What are you looking for?" I asked. "Aha! Found it!" He was holding his phone. "I'm gonna tell my sister that I am ok." Haru said smiling.  When he set his phone back I snatched his hand again. I looked back at him and I saw how his face was red all the way to the tip of his ears. Cute. "Haru after you get discharged would you like to-" I was cut off form the door opening. I am starting to get pissed about being interrupted. But the person that came through was a nurse.

After Haru got discharged form the hospital, and I for one do not plan on telling him I payed for his hospital bill. I offered to drive him home, but like usual he declined. His excuse was 'I can't walk there on my own, I have no need for your fancy cars.' I just sighed and took his wrist. I pulled Haru to my car and I shoved him into the passengers seat. To my surprised he didn't try to get out.

     Instead of driving to his apartment, I drove to my house. At least here I can make sure he is sleeping, and not working overtime like he usually does. When we arrived at my mansion Haru tried to slap me. I instead grabbed his wrist and gave him a hug. I could tell he was surprised. I am to, I don't even know why I did it. But when we got out of the car he stopped trying to hit me, well physically that is. He still kept yelling at me. I showed Haru inside and to a guest bedroom for him to stay in.

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