Dont Trust Him - Chapter 25

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(Technos POV)

I woke up to the sun hitting my eyes from the window. I looked down at Y/n to make sure she was still okay.

(This isn't a fan fic where Y/n is like 4'11 and Techno is like 8ft tall no no no. This is your character, so i'll use myself as an example if you're 5'5 Technoblade's chest is at your head. make sense? at any height even if your 6'9 ft Your head is at his chest. okay? good good good)

Thankfully she was, I laid there with her, playing with her hair. Y/n is a pretty light sleeper, so I was surprised when she didn't wake up. But, I was glad that I could lay with her longer.

After a while I grew a little worried, they would usually be up by now.

'Maybe she's just tired, Doomsday was just yesterday..'

I shifted to look down at her, this created a little bit of space in between us. Almost immediately they wrapped they're arms around my neck and pulled me back in. "Y/n?" I whispered her name which earned me a lazy hm of acknowledgment.

"Are you okay? Do you need some tea or anything?" I whispered in their ear again as I placed my head on top of hers.

"Can we go in a second? I just want to lay here with you for awhile.." She sounded muffled since their head was dug into my chest.

I smiled a little, I love cuddling with her. "Of course, love." I held her a little tighter. Y/n drifted asleep almost immediately, and after a few minutes of quiet cuddles I fell asleep too. 

~about an hour time skip~

"Wakey wakey, love birds!" Philza voice jolted me awake. I look at him and he's standing at the foot of our bed. I gave him a small yawn, "What time is it?"

"It's about to be 8:30 a.m." He pointed outside the window and raised an eyebrow.

I looked down at Y/n, they were still asleep. "Phil is she okay? She just seems very tired.." I cupped her face with one hand and stopped. Philza saw my eyes widen, "What's wrong, mate?"

"She's burning up, like really, like a lot.." I stuttered a little and placed my hand on their head.

Philza walked over to me, I pulled Y/n out from my chest a little. She furrowed her brows a little and opened her eyes. Phil placed his hand on her head, "Oh gosh, she is! You got a bad fever Y/n!" He tilted his head, "She probably just has a cold. You guys want breakfast?"

We both look at Y/n, her eye lips were low and she was quite shaky. They looked at Phil than looked at me. "I need to vomit," she said blatantly, they surprised us with that answer. 

"Uh, do you want to go to the bathroom?..." Philza asked her, she looked up at him very slowly and waited.

She slowly nodded her head, so I got out of bed, but she grabbed my forearm to stop me. "Where are you going? " Y/n whispered with a frown.

'She's so cute,.'

"Well, if you need to throw up we should go to the bathroom." I nodded my head slowly.

"You're leaving me," her eyes got watery. "You don't love me anymore?" She lightly let go of my arm. Phil laughed from the side, "I'm not leaving you and I still love you," I gave her a kiss on the head. "But, we need to go to the bathroom, I'm coming with you, love." I grabbed her hand to help her get up.

"Oh okay," she slowing got up, they coughed a little and covered her mouth really quickly. Y/n looked up at me with wide eyes and ran to the bathroom. I quickly followed her, she stopped  the sink and started throwing up.

Don't Trust Him  - Technoblade x readerWhere stories live. Discover now