Bonus Chapter

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Theseus is not included, sorry guys ily

                              Y/n gets sick
Y/n groaned stuffing her head into Techno's chest more and more. "Are you okay, darling?" Techno's sleepy voice whispered, "my head is killing me.."

Techno pulled her back, placing his hand on her head. "You got a bad fever, Y/n." Techno sat up in bed, Y/n continued to laid down. "I think you have a cold."

Y/n laid her head on his lap, Techno gently moved her and got up out of bed. "Where are you going?" Y/n sat up, "I know a tea recipe, helps a lot." He winked at her as he walked downstairs.

Y/n followed behind him, she watched as he dug through the cabinets. "Damn, we don't have half the ingredients I need." He looked back at Y/n, she looked terrible.

"I'm going to get dressed, baby. You take a seat," he pulled her over to the couch. "Where are you off to?" Y/n rubbed her eyes, "to get what I need for you." Techno walked up the seats, throwing on his usual attire.

As he put his sword to his side he looked at his compass to Y/n out of the corner of his eye. He sighed, grabbing it. When he came back downstairs Y/n was standing up in the kitchen.

"Y/n, I'll be quick, okay?" She turned around holding a glass of water. "Techno," she walked up to him. "Please be careful," she fixed his collar and kissed his cheek. Techno took a small bow, "yes ma'am." He winked at her, "you get some rest though. I love you."

"Okay, I love you too." Y/n sniffled, he walked out of the door. "Carl," Techno walked over to the stables, Carl stopped eating to look at him. "Let's make this trip fast, alright? Trying to get back to Y/n."

Carl huffed in response, Techno jumped onto his back and sprinted him to the village. "Don't kill anyone," Techno reminded himself. But as he was tied up Carl, someone wanted to test his patience.

"Look who's here," a teenage voice said from the gates. "That the guy that messed up Bruno?" It was a couple of newer knights, protecting their town. "Listen, man." One of them stepped in from of Techno.

"What's your business here?" Techno clenched his jaw, but it was the only village for miles, he couldn't get kicked out like Y/n. "Just need to grab some stuff for my wife, got a problem with that?"

The guys laughed with each other, "this wife of yours? You mean the one who attacked Bruno?" Techno kept his sword to himself, "she saved his ass if anything. He should be thankful," The kid noticed something.

They started laughing, "that a compass? What you tracking her or something?" He reached for it, Techno tightly grabbed his wrist. "I wouldn't," his eyes seemed to glow red while talking to the boy. "Knock it off, Brad. I told you 'bout that shit, did I not?"

A female walked over to the group, she was also dressed in armor. "I'm sorry 'bout these boys, sir. That anit quite mature yet." She pulled Brad back and pulled him away. The other boys stared at Techno, "got a problem?" His voice scared them, as they ran off.

"Fucking kids," Techno mumbled to himself.

Time Skip my loves

As Techno grabbed his rosemary he could feel someone looking at him. He had finished grabbing what he needed, so he thought it would be best to head home to Y/n.

"What are you doing back in my village?" Bruno asked him, "my wife, you know, the one who saved your life needed a few things." Techno continued to walked towards the gates.

"Don't walk away from me, boy." Techno continued to walk, "close the gates!" He yelled the gates closed, Techno sighed. He placed his items in his inventory and turned around.

"Thats a lot better," Town folk had started watching the situation. "What are you doing in my town, boy?" He repeated, "my wife is sick. I needed a few items. I didn't think you cared so much." Techno stood tall.

"How do I know you're not just spying on us? Trying to attack me again?" Bruno pulled his sword, but Techno did not. "I much rather be at home with my wife then dealing with your... knights.." He grinned.

"So you're embarrassing us?" Bruno stepped closer, "did not step closer, for if you do I'll have to pull my sword." He took another step, so Techno pulled his sword. The teenage 'knights' did as well.

"I have asked for no conflict. Just getting things for my wife." Techno held up his left hand, showing his wedding ring. A few villagers awed at the sight.

"You have disgraced us in our own land." Bruno took another step, "it's not my fault you are not aware of basic combat." Techno chuckled, Bruno charged him, but Techno easily blocked the attack.

The teenagers attacked him as well, but Techno was easily able to shut them down. But this allowed for Bruno to get a hit.

He grazed his arm, but Techno quickly knocked him unconscious. Techno looked up to the town people. "I would like to say," he put his sword away. "I did inform them on three different occasions I was just here to get items for my ill wife who is waiting for me at home. I ask you not to allow Bruno to banish me for his childish behavior." Techno bowed and walked away, when he got to the closed gates the villagers opened it for him.

"Thank you," he walked out, taking Carl home.

Time Skip

"What happened to your arm?" Phil asked from his porch as Techno approached, "just some assholes at the village." Philza sipped his coffee, "what were you doing there?"

"Fucking nothing," he put Carl in the stables. "Y/n's not feeling too good. I just went to grabbed some stuff, some asshole knights want to start shit with me." Philza pulled him inside his house, "those dicks. But I wouldn't let Y/n see your bloody arm, mate." He quickly bandaged it for him.

"Thanks, Dad. I have to get back to Y/n." He left, walking across to his house. When he entered Y/n was asleep on the couch. Techno softly smiled, kissing her head.

He made the tea, once he finish he squatted in front of her. "Darling," he shook her shoulder. She slowly blinked her eyes open, "welcome back.." she smiled.

He smiled, "sit up for me, I've made you tea." He walked back over to the kitchen and grabbed her cup. He sat down next to her, watching as she slowly sipped the tea. "How is it?"

"It's very good," she whispered, "why is your arm all bandaged up?" She looked at Techno, Techno looked down into her eyes. He chuckled, "don't worry, Y/n." He kissed her cheek, "it was worth it."

i didn't proof read, sorry fucking exhausted all the fucking time man

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