Chapter 11: Capture

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Ben knew that a time would have come when he and Rey's friend's would meet. But he did not want it to be when he was completely unprepared and caught off guard.

Like now.

He wasn't ready to be social with people Kylo Ren had tried to kill.

And yet here they were.

He sat in his hut taking deep breaths but despite his efforts to keep his cool, Ben's mind kept replaying the possible outcomes if Rey couldn't get them to leave.

They'd take Rey away from me.

They'd capture me.

They'd kill me, or worse...think Rey turned to the Dark Side and kill her...


Ben would not think like that.

Everything would be ok.

Rey would talk her friends into leaving and the whole situation would be over.

Everything is going to be fine. Ben told himself silently, Everything is going to be-

He felt the bond he shared with Rey open.

She was there, standing in front of him.

She looked terrified.

Then, Ben heard a scream from somewhere around her and as quickly as she had appeared, Rey was gone.

But her overpowering sense panic remained.

The fear she felt spilled over into his soul. It was like his heart was about to leap out of his chest.

Suddenly, a thought came to Ben.

The same thought he'd had on Exegol.

Help Rey.

Even if you die.

Help Rey.

He jumped up, grabbed his uncle's lightsaber, and ran.


Finn didn't know how, or why, or what was happening, but just as he, Poe, and the rest of the gang were about to turn and leave, he saw it. Saw him.

Kylo Ren.

Right on he ground in front of Rey.

And his mind went blank.

Rey stared terrified at Ben sitting in front of her. He was only there for a second or two but those seconds lasted a life age.

Then she heard Finn scream and fire his blaster.

Then Ben was gone.

The bolt hit the ground where Ben had been, sending dirt and small rocks everywhere.

"Whoa what was that for?!" Poe exclaimed.

"Kylo Ren! I saw Kylo Ren!" Finn shouted.

"What where?!" Poe asked, looking around.

"There! Right there in front of Rey! I saw him on the ground and then he disappeared!"

The rest of the group seemed confused. It was apparent that no one else had seen Ben but Finn.

That gave Rey no comfort as she stood, frozen with shock.

This hadn't been part of the plan and now she didn't know what to do.

But before she could even think of an explanation, Rey felt someone come behind her and grab her arms.

"Wait, wait, stop." Poe said, noticing the man holding her, "What are you doing?"

"Maybe she's trying to communicate with him." The man replied, "We should take her in."

"No, that's not necessary." Poe said, "Let her go. We'll search the area and figure out what's going on."

Just as the man was about to release Rey, Ben burst into the clearing lightsaber in hand.

Then everything was a blur.

Blasters fired.

Dirt and dust rained down.

People screamed and shouted.

Rey wrenched herself out of the man's grasp and ran towards Ben, shouting at her friends to stop firing. Trying to explain what was going on, that Ben was good.

But it was too late.

She saw a flash of blue light as a stun gun blast hit Ben in the chest.

He crumpled to the ground.

"NO!" Rey screamed, before she felt a powerful shock strike her in the back.

Her body went numb.

Her vision blurred.

The shouts became muffled as she fell.

She tried to reach for Ben, her love, but she couldn't move.

"No...please...Ben." She whispered as the darkness closed in.


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