Chapter 6: The Final Servant

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Poe hated the cold. It reminded him of Kijimi and all the trouble he'd gotten into there.

He preferred the warm sun on his face and breeze sending his hair blowing wildly around while he drove a sand speeder.

But this planet, Scipio, was a frozen mountainous wasteland, the exact opposite of the bright sunny climate he liked.

On any other given day Poe would have declined to go to Scipio, but he was the General now and even thought the war was over, there was still much to do.

In the 2 weeks since the end of the war, there had been a lot of expeditions to previously First Order held planets to liberate people and collect resources. One such plant was Exegol. Poe would never be able to wrap his head around why anyone would want to go back there, but aparaptly some scientists wanted to test the strange atmospheric anomalies around the planet, and more that a few historians and engeneers wanted to explore the tech that the Final Order and the Sith Eternal had used to build an entire fleet of Super Star Destroyers inside the planet.

Zori had headed the expedition and two days ago had contacted Poe to give him an update. What she had told him had been discouraging. She said that there had been absolutely nothing left of their work expect some broken down machines. Like it had all been erased.

"Everything on the planet is dead" she'd said.

Or so they thought.

What they found not 24 hours ago was the reason why Poe and Finn where heading out to Scipio. Zori and her team had found someone alive.

Unconscious but alive.

Finn and Poe stepped off the ship into the bitter cold air. It was enough to freeze any exposed skin before you could say "bantha" and despite all their protective gear and layers, Poe still felt himself shiver. They made their way across the frozen terrain until they came to a tall grey building. It was an old banking vault that the Resistance had converted into a laboratory. No guards were positioned out front but there was a key pad half frozen on the wall.

Poe typed in the password Zori had given him and the pad turned green. Then a voice he didn't recognize asked, "You have now reached the Resistance research facility on Scipio. What is your business here?"

"This is General Poe Dameron. We are here to inquire after a prisoner you are holding." Poe replied.

The line was silent for a moment. Then the voice replied, "Ahh yes General Dameron we were expecting you. Come in."

With a few clicks a large grey door open out of the structure and Poe and Finn went inside.

The inside was dark except for a few flickering lights that hung from the valeted ceiling, and thier footsteps made echos around the room.

"It's about time you all showed up." Zori's voice said in the darkness.

"You know I'm never on time for anything." Poe replied smiling.

"True, true. I should've known." She said, walking into the light.

"Where is everybody else?" Poe asked looking around, "I thought you said there were at least thirty people here investigating the data from Exegol.

"Oh their around." Zori said in her usual tone of amused annoyance, "They're just not in this particular sector because of the prisoner."

"The prisoner?" Finn asked.

"Yeah, after what happed to one of the guards, nobody wants to be in here."

"What happed?" Poe asked.

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