Chapter 12: Goodbyes Through Prision Bars

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Rey's vision was cloudy and her body felt numb when she regained consciousness.

It was too bright wherever she was, so much so that it physically hurt to open her eyes.

But when the light finally got dimmer she looked around at the plain white washed walls covered with dials and computer screens. She could feel the itchy cloth of a recovery room robe against her skin and realized she must be in a hospital bed.

And then everything came flooding back.

The island.

Her friends.

The fight.


Rey suddenly sat up.

"Ben!" She said aloud ripping off the blanket and jumping out of bed.

Her legs were weak and as soon and she stood, she fell to a heap on the floor. Rey dragged her self to her feet and staggered towards the door, reaching out through the Force to make sure he was safe...alive.

She felt his presence.

He was near.

Opening the door, Rey limped down the hallway which to her surprise, was empty. There were no guards, no other people around, not even her friends. 

Using the Force as her guide, Rey followed Ben's energy until she reached a locked corridor. Touching the keypad, she concentrated hard until it sputtered and smoked beneath her figures. With the keypad fried the door slide open. There was a distant sound of an alarm blaring, but Rey could barley hear it over the pounding of her own heart in her ears. 

She continued to stumble down the hallway until she collapsed right in front of some sort of force field door. 

"Rey, is that you?" She heard a familiar voice whisper. 

Rey looked up to see Ben siting behind the shield looking tired and very beat up. 

"Ben! It's you! Thank the Force you're alive! What happened!? Where are  we?! What did they do to you!?" Rey could barley control the word vomit coming out of her mouth. She was so incredibly relieved to see Ben but at the same time, she was terrified. 

Ben inched closer to her and placed a weak, shaky hand on the force felid barrier. In the dim light of the hallway, Rey could see the blood and bruises, on his face and some sort of restraining collar around his neck. 

"We are in a detention facility on Coruscant. We've been here for two days." Ben said quietly, "After your friends showed up on Ahch-To, they bought us here. I've heard them talking. They say I'm under arrest for my crimes against the galaxy and they...they" a tear formed in his eye, "they thought I was mind controlling you to obey me."

"What!? That's a lie!" Rey cried, "That's not true, you didn't do anything to me! Let me talk to them, they'll believe me! I'll make them see the truth!"

"I'm afraid, it's too late." Ben said, turning away, "They have already decided that within the hour, two men are coming in to take me be executed on live broadcast for the entire galaxy to see."

"NO!!!" Rey screamed, "THEY CAN'T DO THAT! I won't let them! I'm going to get you out of here! I'm going to save you!"

She clawed at the cell door, screaming with frustration and fear, trying to break it down. 

She tried using the Force, her hands, her feet, everything. 

But nothing worked.

After a minute or two, she crumpled to the floor sobbing, her hands still on the barrier. 

"I can't let you die, I promised I'd keep you safe."

"I know Rey, and you have." Ben said, "None of this is your fault. It's going to be ok."

"No it's not! You're going to die!" Rey sobbed.

"I know, but I have come to terms with it and I'm at peace. You taught me that. You taught me to stay calm. You taught me to see the light. You taught me to be a good person again. Those months on Ahch-To were the best months of my life and now, I can die a happy man knowing that I was able to spend the last moments of my life with the woman I love more than anything in the galaxy."

Rey stopped crying, she looked up at Ben who was smiling through his tears.

"You...You love me?" She stammered. 

Though Ben was weak she could feel one feeling shining stronger than ever. 


"Yes, Rey I love you. I always have, but I just didn't know how to express it until you taught me how. I love you Rey. You are my star, and I want you to know that whatever happens to me, I will always be with you."

A glimmer of pure joy entered Rey's heart for a split second. Ben loved her. Really, truly, loved her and now she knew in her mind, body, heart, and soul, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that she loved him too.

"Ben I-" She was cut off by the sound of a door opening as the joy in her soul died.

"Get away from there, scum!" A voice shouted, as two men came in behind Ben and sunned him. "Someone come to high security sector Blue7." One man said into a com-link, "We caught the girl conspiring with the prisoner!" 

 "NO! STOP IT! STOP IT RIGHT NOW! NO, PLEASE NO! BEN NO! NO! STOP IT! NO!!!" Rey screamed in horror, sobbing and banging on the door. 

But there was nothing she could do as she watched the men pull Ben to his feet and drag him out the door. 

Rey didn't stop beating on the forcefield barrier until she felt arms wrap around her. She kicked and protested. 

"No! Get away from me! Let me go! Ben! BEN! NO! NO!!"


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