Chapter 5: From A Dream

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The sun streamed in through the small window in Rey's hut and brushed across her face.

She opened her eyes, blinked at the brightness, and looked around and the old stone walls of the hut.

For a moment she forgot where she was, but then she remembered the events of the day before.

The Resistance won the war. Palpatine was gone. Her friends were safe. Ben was back.

She sat up suddenly remembering what she was doing here, and who she was with. Ben!  Today was the first full day of his journey towards healing.

She jumped out of bed and quickly got dressed.

Rey had always enjoyed the mornings on Ahch-To. They were cool yet sunny and the ocean air hung about like a thin sheet.

Rey wondered if Ben was up. Her question was answered as soon as she stepped outside.

Ben was sitting completely still on a flat rock, covered head to toe in porgs.

Rey let out a laugh of surprise and walked over to Ben. He did not look too happy.

"Good morning. I see you've met the porgs." She said holding back another laugh.

"Oh, so that's what you call them." Ben said, still not moving as another port came up and perched on his lap, "Are they always this clingy? I barely sat down before they mobbed me."

Rey giggled. "I think they fancy you." she said, "They probably like the way you smell."

"Well, they are soft, but can you please get them off me?"

Rey waved her hands above her head and yelled and the porgs flew off. Ben's hair was ascew and his cloths had feathers and dirt on them.

"Thanks." he said before fixing his hair and getting up to change.

Rey made some more portion bread before Ben remerged from his hut wearing a loose fitting white shirt and some brown pants that Rey had given him. She'd not seen him in any other color other than black before. He looked good.

"So, now that you're not covered in porgs, how did you sleep last night?" Rey asked, as they sat down to eat.

"Really good actually." Ben said, "I didn't have a single nightmare, and for the first time in years, my sleep was not restless, it was deep. I think it had something to do with what you told me last night."

Rey smiled. Seeing that Ben was getting better this quickly was a great sign. "Good." she said, "I'm so glad that's the case."

"What are we going to do today?" Ben asked, taking a bite of portion bread.

"I'm going to take you up to the cliff where I meditated with Luke, and we're going to meditate too. I want to get you to feel the calmness and serenity that I feel through the Light Side instead of the harsh hostility of the Dark Side."

Ben nodded in agreement and as soon as they were both finished, they headed up the mountain side.

The cliff was just as Rey remembered it. The rock where she had fist truly felt both sides of the Force sat atop the cliff overlooking the vast black and blue ocean.

She could feel the power in this place, and she could sense that Ben could too.

Rey turned to see Ben starring out at the ocean.

"You ready?" She asked.


The rock was a bit smaller than Rey remembered but if she sat with her left side facing the ocean and her right side facing the mountain, she and Ben could both fit. They sat cross legged across from each other, the wind blowing their hair.

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