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"CaN we PrEtEnd ThAt tHe AirPlanEs in The NighT skY arE lIke ShoOtiNG StaRS?"

~.* .* . **.~

"Psst, hey- hey Kaeya."

The male in response groaned at her, feeling the light slap on his cheek. He was too tired- too sleepy to even stand properly. And because of that he has to rely on (Y/n) who was helping him to stay awake and conscious. If it isn't obvious yet- the Cavalry captain was having a hard time not to fall asleep right there and right now.

Even though he replied with a sleepy groan, that was enough for the female to be satisfied. She adjusted her hold on Kaeya who was battling with his eye to stay open before asking,

"Where do you live?"

It was silent for a few seconds. Kaeya, still too busy keeping his eye open while his brain tries its best to process the question. Meanwhile (Y/n) patiently waits for his answer, not taking her eyes off him. And the longer she stares, the more she starts realizing something.

Kaeya has always been handsome but there's something just so different. Maybe it's because of the silence surrounding them, maybe it's because of the cool breeze or maybe it's because of the rustling of the leaves that makes the cavalry captain look even more attractive close up.

Although his looks are not the main focus here.


His voice came out as a weak mumble but loud enough for her to hear,

"Walk straight.. then turn left."

(Y/n) then again adjusted her hold on Kaeya, heaving a sigh before taking her sigh off of him and focusing back on the road. She replied with an, 'Okay' before finally starting walking to where Kaeya directed her to go.

It was then again silent between the two of them. The only sound that can be heard exchanged were the soft sound of their shoes stepping on the ground. (Y/n) was actually glad that Kaeya can still walk. It would be such a drag if she has to carry a man to his house. The Cavalry captain to be precise.

If someone sees her carrying an unconscious cavalry captain in her arms she might just get sued for kidnapping.

A chuckle unconsciously escapes her lips. Thinking about that happening and imagining her being confused as to why knights are pointing their swords at her while cuffing her hands for no reason? At all, it is enough to make her smile.

And due to her being lost to her own imagination. She failed to notice that her sudden chuckle averted Kaeya's attention to her. He glanced at her, staring at her with a half idled eye for a while before looking back down.

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