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Paimon shouted at Venti, who ignored her and turned to the broken Lyre. The four of them- excluding Paimon- decided to confront Dvalin using the Holy Lyre that finally has been retrieved. Venti sighed when he noticed the condition of the lyre's strings. No good, he can't summon Dvalin with this kind of string.

"Anyway, we won't be able to call Dvalin with it. The Lyre itself is fine, but the strings,"

Venti shifted his gaze to Aether then back to the lyre,

"You're up, outlander!"

Aether gave Venti a confused look, knowing well that the bard knows that he doesn't know how to repair instruments. The blond traveler scratched his nape and said, "I don't know how to fix instruments."

Venti released a chuckle, "Relax! It's not broken."

The bard brought his hand up to point at the lyre saying that it's Anemo power has been diminished. He thought for a second before asking Aether if he still has the teardrop crystal of Dvalin.

"Yeah, it's still with me."

"Great! Try to use it on the holy Lyre."

Not questioning the bard's request, Aether grabs hold of the holy lyre and emerges the crystal with it. The lyre glowed, seeming to give a reaction at the teardrop crystal making Aether widen his eyes a bit. As the glowing died down, the lyre changed its appearance. It looked more decent than before!

"It worked as expected!"

Venti cheerfully exclaimed, presenting the lyre to the others. Jean starred at the lyre in awe, the feeling of satisfaction traveling up to her body. She had never seen the lyre look like this! It was so beautiful.

"This youthful glow.."

Jean stated as she studied the beautiful lyre which only led Paimon to misunderstood her.

"Praising yourself? Really?"

Aether felt himself face palmed when those words came out of his emergency's food mouth. Even everyone in the tavern knows that Jean was talking about the lyre not her. Jean speechlessly look at Paimon,

".. I was talking about the Lyre."

Which went deaf to the emergency food's ears. The group decided to ignore what just happened, "Thanks to Aether having purified the crystal, the holy lyre,"

A loud knock prevented Venti from talking any further. All of their attention turned to the main entrance's door. Whoever must be knocking right now must've not checked the time yet, or they don't care at all. Diluc felt his eyebrows furrow, the red haired man was annoyed by these kinds of people.

"Surely you know what time it is. Now go home, we're closed."

Diluc said to whoever was outside the door his arms were crossed. Ten seconds had passed and they were met with silence. Usually people will stubbornly keep on knocking on the wooden door, shouting that they need a drink and will forcefully try to open the door. Perhaps today, they mistook the wind as a human knocking on the tavern's door.

The bard felt a smirk travel up to his face and commented,

"Well, that was fast. What an obedient person!"

They're not.

After those words left Venti's mouth, the large wooden door of the tavern flew ahead of them. That's right, it FLEW ahead of them, destroying the bar counter in the process. Let's not talk about the beverages that are spilling on the floor because Diluc is furious.

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