B o n u s !

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"Yummy slendy leggies~"

~.* .* . **.~

"Diluc, carry me~"

The red haired man sighed disappointedly before shoving (Y/n)'s body off of him. It was around three in the morning where all of them decided to prepare and go back home first before confronting Dvalin.

Aether and Paimon went somewhere unknown, Venti made his way to Windrise, Jean went back to her headquarters, and lastly both (Y/n) and Diluc made their way back to the Dawn winery.

Diluc originally planned to make (Y/n) stay at Angel's share- to guard the tavern he said. The female complained a lot to this, they debated about it for ten minutes and twenty-four seconds before the female finally gave in. Until, just before Diluc left the tavern, Charles unexpectedly came in the picture making (Y/n) cry out in joy while Diluc only face palmed.

And the first thing that Charles said is,

"Where'd the door go?"

The man watched as his master gave his female companion a cold glare while (Y/n) whistled an unheard tune before suddenly hurriedly running straight past both Diluc and Charles, exiting the tavern in the process. Diluc, who took this as a que, starts on running after her, leaving the poor bartender confused on what was happening- that is, until Charles finally saw the mess inside the tavern.

Going back in the present time, (Y/n) grunted when Diluc refused to carry her. She would've jumped on his back and stuck to him like a koala if only she wasn't tired. Man, this man made her run laps.

Exercise 100

"Surely you have enough energy to carry your own."

His eyes never left the road and continued walking, not wanting to give the girl a glance at all. Diluc heard (Y/n) imitating him but in a higher voice, he decided to be mature about it and ignored her. It's not like he needed to carry her anyways, they were almost at the vineyard and the mansion is ahead of them.

Now that he thinks about it, how was (Y/n) able to send the tavern's door flying? He has been with her for some quite time now and he hasn't seen the female fight at all. Nor does he see her being physically strong, she can't even lift a box filled of wine. And whenever she decided to tag along with his adventures she just,


It's a miracle that the hilichurls aren't attacking her at all. Well, except for the slimes since she basically wants to lay a finger on them for some unknown reasons.

His eyes darted to the female beside him, who's slouching like an elderly, grumbling words that he can't understand.

"How were you able to destroy the tavern's door?"

Before her eyes can even meet with his, he quickly averted it ahead of them. Not wanting to be caught looking at her because she'll tease him about it nonstop. And sometimes uses it to brag to the other maids- which he personally doesn't understand why at all.

"Ah well,"

(Y/n) paused to stretch her back, she let out a satisfied sigh when she heard a popping sound before straightening her posture.

"A kid gave me a cute bomb."

Did Diluc hear that right?

This time he turned his head to the female and straightly looked at her with a disbelief expression shown on his face. (Y/n) smiled a bit at his expression, finding it cute.


"You know what, I'll just tell you the whole story."

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