Chapter 7

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Harry and Ron are siting at the couch by the fireplace, both waiting for Ginny and Hermione to come down. 

Harry's POV 

I've got ready about 30 minutes ago, Ginny is still not done..., what's taking her so long? Then I got bored, " Ron, do you know who is coming to the party tonight?" I asked. " Yeah, mum told me this afternoon, she said all of the Hogwarts students are coming if they like to. Blimey, tonight's party is going to be a blast! " Ron replied. " Yeah... " I said as I nod. 

Back to the storyyyyyyyy

Just then the both boys heard footsteps coming down, they stood up waiting anxiously for the both ladies to come down. When Harry and Ron saw Ginny and Hermione, both mouths fell wide open. 

Hermione's dress 

Hermione's dress 

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Ginny's dress

Ginny and Hermione smirked

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Ginny and Hermione smirked. Ron placed his hand out while Hermione took it, Harry was still standing there mouth wide open. " What you looking at, Potter? " Ginny ask with a smirk, " You... you... look..... amazing! " Harry said. " You don't look too bad yourself" , " Shall we ? " Harry said as he took his hand out, " We shall " Ginny replied taking his arm. 

At the living room 

" Oooooooooooh la la !!!! "  George said teasingly, " Look everybody!! The Hinny couple has finally came!!!!! ". Ginny rolled her eyes, while Harry chuckled. Harry and Ginny kept dancing after dinner, they both also spotted Dean and Cho at a corner staring at them both with disgusted faces. Then Harry talked " I love you, Gin " , Ginny looked up to those green eyes , " I love you too, Harry" 

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