Chapter 6

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" Ginevra Molly Weasley" he said as he kneeled down and fetch for a red little box, " You have been my one and truly love since I first met you, no one is as brave and pretty as you, I promise to always be by your side when you are down, help you with your greatest fears and love you until my very last breath, so will you marry me?"  

Ginny stood there looking at Harry, tears rolling down her face, she slapped her hand over her mouth, then said " YES!!!!! OF COURSE I WILL!!!!! " , then she hugged him and Harry kissed her as he slipped the ring on her ring finger.

Back at The Burrow 

Ginny looked at her ring in awe, then she opened her eyes wide and looked at the ring carefully. " HARRY JAMES POTTER!!!!" She shouted, Harry ran over " Wot? Wot happened ? ", then Ginny asked " How much did you spend on this?" , when Harry was about to say Ginny cut him again" I thought it was crystal, but it's a diamond!!! Not to mention on what I know, this is the most expensive diamond ever found!!!". Harry then said " Ginny... there is no need to worry how much I spend on the ring and anything I've spend on you, as every penny I've spend for you is really worth it.", Ginny then smiled sweetly at him, then hugged him and teased him " It seems like you are rich Mr Potter" then Harry grinned " It appears so ". 

Suddenly a sound came from their back " Just to make in clear... " , Harry and Ginny turned back and saw the whole Weasley family ( Not Percy though ) standing there eyes wide open and Mrs Weasley continued, " The famous Harry Potter has proposed to my one and only daughter!?!?!? ". Harry looked at Ginny, Ginny looked at Harry then they both looked at them and nodded. " HINNY IS OFFICIALLY SEALED!!!!!!! " Fred and George shouted, then began chanting " Potter and Weasley are engaged, Potter and Weasley are engaged, Potter and Weasley are engaged, Potter and Weasley are engaged.... " . All of the Weasleys cheered, to Harry and Ginny's surprise Ron cheered too. Then Mrs Weasley said " Let's have a celebration tonight!!! " , all of the Weasley cheered( including Ronald again ). 


Hermione and Ginny were preparing themselves for the party, when Ginny asked " Hermione, can you tell me what to wear that will make Harry fall for me? ", then Hermione looked at Ginny and chuckled" Ginny... Harry already fell for you " , then Ginny said " Hermione you know what I mean your my best friend!! ", then Hermione said " Alright, alright "....

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