Chapter 9

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Cho POV 

" Are you really sure this will work? ", " Yes, I am really sure " the seller said. " You said it is very, very powerful, is it? " I asked, " Yes, it's extremely powerful, there is to cure potion for this... ". " Good.... But what can stop it from working again? ", " Real Love itself, the person who drink this may fall in love with someone else but if that person really loves another person, it will fight back and the potion will fade..." the seller said. " But mostly very less people can do that" he added. " Great, give me 2 medium size ones"...... 

Unknown POV 

" So did you get it? " I asked Cho. " Yes, and he said it is extremely powerful, and there is no other potion that can cure it..." she said. " Great!", " But....., there is one cure though.... " she added. " Wot is it?", " The seller said that it was " LOVE" itself, if he drinks this, he will fall in deep deep love with me, but if he really loves that brat, the potion will just fade away, which is very rare, it does not really happen to much people. ". " Well then, what are we waiting for? " I said, " Hold it, are you sure you don't want to erase their memories of each other? " Cho asked. "Nahhh, if they drink this they will think how stupid they are for dating each other"

Harry POV

I woke up and smelled a flowery scent, I looked down and saw her, yes the love of my life. She was sleeping so peacefully. But then I noticed she wasn't breathing nor moving, I got up and saw her face pale, I searched for a pulse, but I couldn't find one. I started to shake her, " Ginny!! Wake up!!!! PLEASE!!!!! ", then I yelled louder " GINNY!!! PLEASE I BEG YOU!!!!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!". I yelled as loud as I can, I found a piece of parchment on the table beside me. I read it 

To Harry James Potter, 

                              I know I will be dead when you read this but it is I who killed myself, I noticed that I wasn't good enough for you, and you deserve a better life. Go find someone else who is better than me, Cho Chang will do. I found out that I don't deserve you and I know if I just break up with you and move on you will come for me, bring me back to yours. So I decided to kill myself, let me go to a place where you can't find me, get me, bring me back and most importantly love me. I wish you will forget me Harry, I won't forget every memories we made together. I don't want you to miss me or love me again, but I will always do so. 

                                                                                                                                                       Ginevra Molly Weasley

" No, no, no, no, no ", I put down the paper and hugged Ginny's body close to me, I started to yell. How can she say so, how can she do so, how can she think so, I thought in my mind. Then I noticed there was something written on her hand, it was in blood. 

I love you Harry

Just then I woke up, it was just a dream, just a nightmare. I thought to myself. I looked down and saw a girl with red- fiery hair, she was sleeping soundly, I looked at her, her face was not pale but smiling. Then I check if she was breathing, THANK GOD she was. then I laid back down with relief, then I sighed. Ginny woke up, and I met those chocolate brown eyes. " Harry... why were you moving so much? You were mumbling something, I heard when I was asleep.... Are you ok?" she asked. I hugged her tightly, she was shocked but then started to stroke my black messy hair. " Bad dream? " she asked. " Yeah..... horrible, really horrible" I mumbled between her hair. 

" Gin, just promise me something. " " Yeah what is it? ", " Never ever think you are not good enough for me, never ever think of that, your more than enough, don't you ever, ever think of that" I said, " Got it? " I added. " Got it" she said hugging me back.

Hi guyss, I'm sorry if this is very short, but I don't really have the time to write lately. Hope you enjoyed it!!! 

Ginny xx

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