Chapter 10

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After both Harry and Ginny got dressed, they went downstairs to find Mrs Weasley cooking and Ron sitting alone at the dining table filling his mouth with loads of eggs and bacon.

Harry's POV

" Mornin!" Ron said with his mouth really, really full. " You better be grateful that Hermione is not here to see you talking with your mouth full" Ginny snapped at him. Ron rolled his eyes and continued adding more food to his mouth. Hermione came down and saw Ron eating ferociously. " RONALD!!!!" Hermione shouted, Ron stopped and look up to her, gave an awkward smile. I did not know what was going on, so I grabbed Ginny's hand and pulled her to the living room, avoiding getting into the argument. But we still heard Hermione shouting very clearly, " WHY ARE YOU DOWN HERE EATING?!?!?!?!? HAVE I NOT TOLD YOU TO STAY IN THE BEDROOM AND CONTINUE REVISING YOUR CHARMS TEXTBOOK, AND TELL ME WHAT YOU LEARNT WHEN I COME OUT FROM THE LOO?!?!?!?!? WHY ON EARTH ARE YOU DOWN HERE, ADDING FOOD INTO YOUR MOUTH?????!?!?!?! ". " You wanna have breakfast here, or go out have breakfast with me?" I asked Ginny, she nodded" Let's go, I don't want to stay here any longer" she said, grabbing my hand and led me outside. 

At the Leaky Cauldron 

Still Harry's POV

" Harry, I've been thinking, when do you plan us getting married?" Ginny asked. I planned everything out already, I just did not tell Ginny. " Ginny, I've picked out the location and the date" . " And you did not tell me?!?!?!" she said furiously, " I planned to, Gin" I said softly not wanting a hex from her. " Fine, so tell me" she placed her hands under her chin. God, must she be so cute? So I told her that the wedding will be at Hogwarts, and it will be on August 11, Yes Gin's birthday. " On my birthday??", " Yes, I'll make sure on that day it will be your most unforgettable birthday ever" Harry said. " So? What do you wanna eat? " 

After eating 

Harry and Ginny have been out all day, until 7pm they went back to the burrow. 

Ginny's POV

" Where did you go since the morning?" Ron asked when me and Harry entered the house. " We've been out Ronald can't you see that? We had breakfast together" I pointed out. " You had breakfast out until the evening?" Ron asked suspiciously. " Anyways, it is literally NONE of your bloody business, can't a boy take his fiancé out? " Ginny scolded. Ron was about to say something but then he spotted Hermione and went silent. Harry just pulled me leaving Hermione and Ron there. He dragged me to my room and locked the door. He sat on my bed, closing his eyes. " What's the matter Harry? " I asked while sitting next to him, " Nothing, just why can't those 2 act like a normal couple like us" he then sighed. " It takes time Harry, just be patient. ". Harry got up and asked" Gin.... are you happy? ", " What do you mean by happy? " , " I mean are you happy to be with me and get to marry me?" Harry asked again. " What do you think?" I replied. " I dunno", " Of course I am dummy, I get to be with the boy who I had fancied all along, I get to be with Harry bloody Potter, the boy who lived, I don't care if you are the Chosen One or what, I love you Harry, not for your fame, for your heart and of who you are" I looked deeply into those green eyes. " And for your looks too of course" I added. 

" I love you too Gin" Harry said hugging me

" I love you more than you can imagine" he added

Sorry for not updating lately, I'll try to write everyday. Bye~ 

Ginny xx

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