Chapter 8

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Ginny's POV 

I woke up on my bed in my room, I got up saw a boy with hair as black as a blackboard, with eyes as fresh as a pickled toad and the boy who I loved... . I got up walked to the couch where Harry was sleeping, kneeled down and placed my head on the side of the couch and looked at Harry who was sleeping peacefully. I leaned over and kissed his forehead, once I got up, I felt a strong pair of hands pulled me down and kissed me. " HARRY!!!! " I yelled, " YOU SCARED ME !!!, I thought you were asleep!! " , " YOU BAD BAD BOY!!!". Harry smirked and teased " So did you not like it? ". " Uhhhhh..... yes I did but not scaring me like that!!!" I admitted. Just then I noticed that Harry was not wearing a shirt, " Damn it" I said, " Why? Don't like it? " Harry teased again. " Honestly go wear a shirt" I said blushing. " No, I like it like this " Harry said, " Harry Potter you go wear a shirt right now!!! ", " No, I won't, not until you are bored with it" Harry smirked. " HARRY POTTER YOU GO CHANGE INTO A SHIRT THIS INSTANCE" I yelled. " Fine, but morning kiss first" Harry leaned in to me, " I thought you just kissed me" I said, " That did not count, even if it did don't you want one? " Harry said grinned. He leaned more forward, I rolled my eyes and leaned in. Harry pulled me in and started kissing me furiously, after a while I pulled back, he stared at me, I giggled and peck his lips and whispered" Next time... ". 

Harry's POV

Ginny left the room, leaving me there when I was about to get out of the room after her, she popped her head in again and said" Ohh and wear a shirt before you come and get me, my brothers are all out there" then she left. I quickly grabbed a shirt and when I was about to leave the room I heard someone shouting and a  slapping noise from the living room, I took my wand and head downstairs to find Ginny on the floor mouth full of blood with Cho in front of her but nobody else was there. " Ohh hi Harry, good morning" Cho said sweetly, I did not respond but bend down and reached for Ginny, I was glad that she did not pass out but with a mark on her face and mouth full of blood. " What did you do to her.. " I said standing up, " She punched me first!!! " Cho said to my innocently. I did not believe her I just looked at her, furiously, very furiously. Then Cho pretended to faint on me but I just backed away and she fell on the floor, I bend down not to help her but to pick Ginny up and set her on the couch, I grabbed a wet towel and wiped of her blood and then took a ice pack" Here, Gin" I passed the ice pack to her. She tried to get up but I gave a a " NO " look, she just laid back down, I kissed her forehead and got up to face Cho who was standing up pretending to be hurt. " Ohh Harry..." Cho said, " it hurts so much.. " . " Why are you here? " I asked her furiously, " Ohhh ummm... I was walking by your house until Ginny pulled me in and punched my stomach" Cho said pointing to her" hurt" stomach.  " Ohh really? " I said looking from her to Ginny, " Yes... " Cho said. " Ginny can you tell me what happened? ", Ginny got up weakly I ran to her and helped her up " I did not do anything, Harry... I swear" Ginny said weakly. " LIAR !!!!!" Cho shouted, I looked at Cho with a stern look and said" Did she say she was done? " I asked her, " She does not need to say anymore, she is lying" Cho said sternly. " Ginny, please continue" I said back to Ginny. " Remember when I left my room Harry? " I nodded , " Yeah, so when I left my room and came back and told you to wear a shirt right? " I nod again " When I came back down Cho here was standing inside the house.... to be honest I wanted you to wear a shirt to make sure you don't get me quickly so I lied that my brothers were here, they left yesterday after the party... " Ginny said with her head down. But she continued " But I swear I did not punch Cho, really Harry I did not" . " Stop lying you brat!!" Cho shouted to Ginny, " DON'T YOU CALL MY FIANCE THAT!!!!", Cho looked at me shocked" You..... are............. engaged........ to ............ that................. bitch?...................", " I SAID DON'T CALL HER THAT!!!!!!!!!!" I shouted again. " I don't believe it.... Harry..... do you need a drink? I think she slipped a love potion in your drink....., come I'll give you one to cure it" Cho said opening the door. Then I had a idea, I walked towards her, Ginny looked shocked and hurt, then when I reached the door, I pushed Cho out and shouted" DON'T YOU EVER COME BACK HERE!!!!!! DON'T YOU EVER COME BACK TO HURT MY FUTURE WIFE!!!!!!" then I slammed the door and went back to Ginny and hugged her tightly. " If she harm you once again, tell me, I'll be here to protect you, to help you, to defend her for you and most importantly love you... " I said to her. I felt so hurt when I see Ginny hurt like that. From that day onwards I promised to myself I will always be by her side, forever and ever....

Unknown POV

" Uhhhhhhhh, this one did not work" , " You need to try harder, he is not going to give her up so easily" another person said, " Why not you try to get her back instead of me doing all the work to get him back" I said. " Don't worry, our plan will work, we will get our prize..... " he said. 

Hi, sorry I have not been writing lately. I've been busy with homework and school. So I gave you guys a 1000 more words chapter!!! Hope you liked it, Luv you all.... 


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