chapter 2

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It was the next morning and Killua was dreading leaving their room.

Gon was snoring away, oblivious to his internal debate.

Deciding he needed to do something, he activated zetsu and snuck down the stairwell to the first floor. Poking his head out, he saw no one around and stalked his way into the kitchen.

He creaked open the cabinets and saw his saving grace.

"Fuck yea," he murmured, "chocolate."

Content with his finds, he made his way to the common rooms, only to find some green haired teen sleeping away on the couch.

Mildly annoyed, he grumbled to himself, which seemed to be enough to wake up the teen.


Killua stared at him.

The teen grasped his shirt, right over his heart and stared back.

"Who," he started. "Who are you?"

Sighing Killua responded.

"New student."

"...What's your name?" he nervously asked.

"Killua Zoldyck."

Distantly, Killua could hear the approach of a heard of other people and resigned himself to his fate. He plopped down on the couch next to the unnamed kid and shoved the chocolate bar into his mouth.

A tall blue haired man sprinted into the room, halting at the site of Killua and some other kid sitting on the couch together.

Peering out from behind him were 18 eyes, ranging from confused, to fearful, to outright malicious.

"Midoriya, what is the meaning of this!" the supposed leader shouted. "And who is this young boy next to you?"

Frantically waving his hands about, Midoriya rushed out an explanation.

"Ah! Iida, you see, I fell asleep on the couch last night, and I guess I didn't realize that Zolydck-san was here, and he surprised me! Everything is completely fine, nothing to worry about!"

Annoyed with the usage of his last name, Killua grounded out, "Don't call me that. My name is Killua."

Sensing a new presence enter the floor, Killua turned his head to the side and saw Gon, still sleep-mused, coming down the hallway.

"Killua," he whined, "why did you leave me!"

Suddenly, all twenty eyes were directed at him instead.

Internally snickering to himself, Killua was glad the attention was off of him.

"Ah!" Gon exclaimed. "People!"

"Who are you!" Iida shouted.

Sleepily smiling, Gon introduced himself.

"I'm Gon Freeces! Who are you?"

"Iida Tenya, class president of class-1A."

Absolutely beaming at him, Gon replied.

"Nice to meet you! I'm sure you've already met my best friend, Killua!"

Sliding over to him, he continued. "Sorry he's a little bit of a grump, he's just not exactly a morning person."

"Not everyone wakes up happy, Gon," Killua huffed.

Interrupting their banter, Iida made some weird motions with his hands before exclaiming, "So, what is your business with Aizawa-sensei, and why are you here?"

unfamiliar [hxh and bnha crossover]Where stories live. Discover now