chapter 7

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It was the next day, and Aizawa had mentioned a special lesson. The class was eager to see what he had in stock for them.

The day passed relatively normally, and by the last period, everyone was practically buzzing out of their seats with sheer excitement.

Aizawa walked in. "Get to your seats."

Everyone complied, and waited for his next words.

"You already know them, but we're having some guest speakers today to give you insight on how different worlds function."

The class let out a collective noise of interest, and in walked Gon and Killua.

Mildly confused, the class stared.

Kaminari was the first to speak up. "What are they doing here?"

"We're here to share some insight into how our world works!" Gon smiled.

Intrigued, the class settled down.

"We're going to explain some details about our world, and after we're done, we'll let you guys ask questions!"

On the chalk board behind him, Killua wrote in large letters, 'Power Systems.'

Turning around, he addressed the class.

"So, we have something similar to quirks in our world. It's called 'Nen' and it's an ability that one can achieve through rigorous training." Killua glanced at Gon. "Personally, Gon and I got trained by two different Nen masters, but primarily the woman you saw before, Bisky."

Piping in, Gon added, "Yeah! She really helped us a lot, but," he paused, shivering, "it was a rough few months to say the least."

Agreeing, Killua resumed his speech. "Anyways, Nen is the manipulation of one's life force, or more commonly known as 'aura,' to one's will. It can be used in many different ways, but it really just depends on one's abilities and limits. Personally, I'm a transmuter so I can channel electricity throughout my body and discharge it as I please. The only real drawback is that I have to charge up periodically."

"And, I'm an enhancer!" Gon cheered. "It's pretty much in the name, but I can enhance my physical skills and dispel aura into powerful attacks! Ah, but that's been lost as of late," he trailed off.

Killua slapped the back of his head. "The people who use Nen are primarily 'Hunters.' We're both Hunters! There are a few outliers, but, all Pro-Hunters know Nen."

"There's a lot more we could share, but I think it'd just be boring, and too long," Killua sighed. "Questions, anyone?"

Practically every hand shot up in the room. Already dreading the ensuing conversation, Killua called on Midoriya.

"Ah! I was wondering, how did you gain your quir—I mean, abilities? Was it something that you had to be exposed to, or were you born knowing it? What type of powers can you create? Is it—"

Killua cut him off before he could continue his barrage of questions.

"Ok, I'll answer the first two. The last is a little finicky. Uh, starting with the first—we were able to master Nen by literally working our asses off. Bisky had us build up a lot of physical and mental strength. She made us find new ways to use our Nen and shape it to our own needs. As to the second question—we were exposed to Nen in order to learn it faster. Our old Nen master, Wing-san, forced Nen into our bodies and opened our aura nodes. I think that's it."

"Fascinating!" Midoriya murmured, scribbling in his notebook.


"What's crime like there?" Mina asked.

Grimacing, Gon took a quick glimpse of Killua. He could see that he was mildly distraught, but not enough so that it was concerning. He decided he'd be the one to answer.

"Um... I don't think it's that bad?" he responded, coming out as more of a question. "I mean, there's not much really reported, but there's definitely more nasty crime than petty. Like, there's a lot of murder and organized crime. It just really depends on who you ask."

The class didn't seem satisfied by his answer, but they let it go.

As if having an epiphany, Ochako shot up. "Wait! I just realized, your sister... uh, Alluka? Does she also know Nen?"

"Yes and no?" Killua responded, also confused. "Technically, she hosts two people in her body, Alluka and Nanika, so they're both my sisters. I don't know if Alluka knows Nen, but Nanika is a creature from the Dark Continent. I don't know if that counts as Nen though."

Thinking on it, he finally came to a conclusion. "I don't think she does, no."

Ochako let out a thoughtful 'hm,' and sat back down.

Raising his hand, Kaminari practically hopped out of his seat. Gon picked on him.

"Yes! Ok, so I've been meaning to ask, and this isn't meant to be rude, but Alluka is a girl, right?"

The temperature in the room dropped the slightest bit, enough to make the class uncomfortable.

"Yes, and what of it?" Killua glared.

Brining his hands up in a show of surrender, Kaminari responded. "Woah dude, I did not mean it rudely! I already thought she was, I just wanted to confirm to be respectful. Gotta respect women, y'know?"

Still wary, Killua nodded and the students let out a collective sigh of relief.

"Isn't he a guy? He looks like one."

All eyes turned to Mineta.

"Oh fuck," someone said.

Not reading the room, he continued. "I mean, if he was born a male, he'll always stay one. That's how biology works."

Absolutely murderous, Killua snapped.

"I will rip those stupid fucking balls off of you, and I'm not just talking about the ones on your head. No one will find your nasty body. Try saying that again, fucker."

Mineta was shaking in fear as he fled the room.

By that point, Aizawa had intervened and tried to placate Killua. After a few minutes, he successfully calmed down from both Gon and Aizawa's attempts.

"Alluka is a girl, and that's final," Killua finally spoke up, tone firm.

Nodding, the class agreed to each other that they would never piss off Killua ever again. Alluka was sacred and that was that.

Gon smiled from the front of the classroom. "I think that was all for today! We'll be seeing you tomorrow! Killua and I are going to head back to the dorms now."

Dragging him out of the room, the classroom was left with the remaining 19 students, and an exhausted Aizawa.

"I'll be talking to Nedzu about Mineta's behavior, so don't be surprised if he doesn't return. You're all dismissed," Aizawa sighed.

Everyone stood up from their seats, some students lingering, others leaving as soon as they were dismissed.

"That was one hell of a class," Aizawa muttered to himself.

words: 1114

a/n: HAPPY PRIDE MONTH (super late but) YEAAAAA !!! also longest update yet, though it was a bit boring :/ it was necessary for the plot :'( i will be working on new chapters, so look out for those hehehe <3

quick rant coming up, but holy fuck, the roe vs. wade bill got overturned and i have never been so scared for ppl's basic human rights. i almost cried in a cafe today when i heard the news !! like idc what anyone thinks, abortion is a right that everyone w a uterus should availability to. it's not "child murder" or whtv, it's literally a right to one's own body ????? the whole reason this even happened is bc of stupid fucking trump putting three republicans in the supreme court. god i fucking hate america. anyways, i will not hesitate to punch anyone who thinks the overturn was ok, no hesitation at all !!

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