chapter 5

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After a brutal beat down, and reunion, class 1-A got the 'go ahead' to rest for the rest of the day, and would postpone their afternoon lessons for later.

So, it was just a sparse amount of students and the newcomers left in the common room.

Midoriya glanced around nervously, noticing the glaring anger directed at Killua. The boy in question simply played with his nails, and focused on his little sister. Todoroki was off to the side, quietly sipping on a tea of his choice, and Ochako seemed to be trying to start a conversation with him. Gon and Bisky were hovering around their friends, quietly conversing. The rest of the students were either in the infirmary (due to Killua's beat down) or relaxing in their dorms.

Not knowing what to do, Midoriya blurted out, "Does anybody want to play truth or dare?"


"I mean, I've never played before, because middle school wasn't super happy for me and I didn't have a lot of friends, but I think—"

"Deku, shut the hell up."

Blushing, Midoriya rubbed the back of his head nervously and sat in silence.

Killua, his saving grace, the boy that kicked his ass, responded.

"Sure, would be fun."

Gon cheered and motioned for everyone to make a circle.

After everyone was seated, Ochako asked, "So does everyone know how to play?"

She received different forms of 'yes' and so she continued and decided to start the game.

"Ok, ok," she hummed, "Deku-kun! Truth or dare!"

Startled Midoriya stuttered out, "Truth?"

Eyes gleaming, Ochako leaned forwards.

"What's the weirdest thing you've found online?"

Midoriya's face dropped at the question.


Ochako gestured at him to continue.

"I mean, weirdest thing I've found online had to be..some All Might..."

"'All Might' what?" questioned Todoroki, mildly amused.

Covering his face with his hands, he murmured out, "All Might x Endeavour..."


Todoroki knew the internet was weird, but Endeavour with anyone? Especially All Might?

"Midoriya, how did you find that?" he asked. His face was full of dread, as if he needed to know, but didn't want to.

Midoriya blanched. "No comment."

Killua smiled to himself, "Anyways, Midoriya, ask someone."

"Ok, uh, Ochako-san! Truth or dare?"

Eyes gleaming, she said, "Dare!"

Taking a moment to think to himself, Midoriya murmured before perking up.

"I dare you," he started, "to float Mineta onto the ceiling, and not get caught."

To no one's surprise, she agreed. The group of 8 moved to the elevators, and found a muttering Mineta, drooling at the idea of some sort of 'forbidden fruit.'

The 7 of them stayed around the corner, peering over, and watched as Ochako snuck up behind the creep. He was oblivious to her approach, and didn't notice he was floating upwards until it was too late. Mineta screamed, but Ochako was already out of sight.

The group laughed, in varying states of amusement, ranging from an amused huff—Todoroki—to barking laughter—Bakugou.

They retreated back to the commons and waited for the game to continue.

"Since I already asked Deku-kun a question, I say someone else goes!" Ochako exclaimed. "Bakugou! Ask someone!"

The blonde in question grunted and after a series of curses, complied.

"Icy hot, truth or dare?" It was stated more as a statement than a question, but no one pointed it out.

"Hm, truth."

After thinking to himself, he grinned and asked, "Body count?"

"One," Todoroki responded. Seven sets of eyes were on him. "I mean, he was easy. Not really sure if it counts though, as I wasn't directly involved."

Midoriya shook himself out of his stupor. "What do you mean you have a body count?? Are we talking about the same one????"

Todoroki blinked at him. "We're talking about criminal records, right?"

The group was stunned into silence at the utter confusion that was Shouto Todoroki.

The silence was interrupted by Killua's loud laugh, soon followed by Gon and Alluka. Bisky merely sighed fondly off to the side.

"If we're talking about that kind of body count, I've got you beat," Killua laughed.

"What?" Midoriya asked, clearly working himself up. "What do you mean by that?!"

"I have killed like, so many people, man."

Alluka smiled up at her big brother and nodded her head. "Big brother is the greatest!"

Mildly disturbed, Ochako questioned, "Is killing just normal in your world?"

Gon grimaced in response.

"I mean, people can kill whoever they want if they have a hunter's license, but it doesn't really matter much in our world whether or not you have one. So, yea, I guess."

"So have you killed anyone, Gon?"

Freezing, Gon mentally panicked. "Kind of? I killed an ant chimera pretty brutally one time."

Bakugou spoke up. "What the fuck is that?"

Sighing, Killua took over. "It's a type of evolved ant that turned to cannibalism and killed a good majority of a country, back where we're at."

"So why did you get involved? Aren't you 14?" Todoroki questioned.

"Hunters license and a personal grudge."

Leaving it at that, the group continued playing truth or dare until late into the night. The atmosphere had considerably lightened since that conversation, but hadn't managed to recover.

Yawning, Alluka stood up. "I'm going to bed. Thank you all for playing!"

Smiling at her, Ochako responded. "No problem, Alluka."

Everyone trailed after her, heading to their own dorms and turning in for the night.

Killua reached his shared dorm and settled into his bed. He couldn't exactly tell why, but his mind was racing and heart pounding. He knew something was going to go wrong soon.

word count: 938
a/n: hey!! slightly longer chapter but i still suck w motivation [cries]
anyways, thanks for sticking with me :3 until next time

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