chapter 8

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Everyone in the League of Villains had their own agenda, but it seemed the two newcomers were the few outliers.

Shigaraki always knew he was destined for something great, growing up with the sole goal of destroying the hero society. He didn't know anything else, and the mere idea of it was alien to him.

He couldn't say that he knew much about the others in the group, but at the very least, they all were willing to abide by his beliefs and work towards the same goal.

But, then Hisoka and Illumi walked into the picture.

No one knew anything about them, not even Sensei—and Sensei knew everything.

He didn't like not knowing, but he also needed them.

And that brings him to now, squished on a couch with the entire League—minus Spinner, and Hawks,—drinking (or as Toga would say: bonding).

Illumi wasn't very forthcoming with any sort of information, but Hisoka, god Hisoka, he was talkative.

"So," Toga started, bouncing in place, "where do you guys come from?"

Hisoka let out a contemplative hum, and raised his hand to his chin. "I don't see any harm in sharing, really, it's nothing interesting. I grew up in Meteor City, and my dear Illu, he grew up pampered in Kukuroo Mountain."

"I was not pampered," Illumi scoffed.

It was the most emotive Shigaraki had seen he man be. He wasn't sure why that was what got a reaction out of him or what they were even talking about, but he wanted to know more, and this was an opening.

"So, he was a rich kid, huh? Why's he with us then? Why would a spoiled child want to destroy what he benefits off of?"

The room stilled as Illumi's glare turned hard. Shigaraki had touched a nerve.

"My family's wealth has nothing to do with my desires," Illumi coldly said.

Taking the risk, Shigaraki spoke up once more. "Sure, but you're the one that benefits off of the system, you hypocrite."

He swore he could feel his life flash before his eyes after he had finished speaking, because if Illumi had been cold, he was now murderous.

"Oh, dear," Hisoka crooned. "He doesn't know any better, leave him be."

His savior, Hisoka, saved his life from being cut short. Shigaraki didn't have any sort of evidence that he would've died, but it was a gut-feeling, and that was never wrong.

Huffing, Illumi turned away, and crossed his arms.

"Stupid fucking man-child," Illumi murmured.

He could hear Dabi and Toga muffling their laughter, but it did little to help his souring mood.

"Yea, as if you're any better," he muttered under his breath.

Obviously, he wasn't as quiet as he thought, or rather, Illumi had some insane hearing, as the man shot him a glare. A warning.

Shigaraki was quick to glance away, hint taken.

The room was stuck in a kind of uncomfortable silence, the only noises being the sipping of their drinks and the occasional cough.

Hisoka and Illumi seemed perfectly content to just sit in silence, but Toga was getting restless again.

"Ok!" she shouted, words coming out quick. "What did everyone do before joining the League? I'll start!"

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