Kevin | Bitter-sweet

227 15 14

Chapter by: Wonmeen17
Genre: Rom-Com
Word Count: 1609

"Lia hurry up." Y/N yells as she sees Lia lagging behind. The girl quickly approaches her and hands Y/N her cell phone and documents.

"You know it's a very important meeting and we can't afford to be late. Can we?" Y/N asks in a stern tone while Lia apologizes. Y/N just shrugs it off and makes her way to the meeting room.

The meeting starts

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The meeting starts. Everything was going by smoothly when suddenly the screech of the door caused a distraction. A young man of medium height probably in his early 20s enters the room wearing a blue slim fitted suit and apologize for being late.

The man had a pale skin while his brown orbs sparkled. He was a true visual but nothing of it was affecting Y/N for now. She was beyond annoyed. She didn't like those who weren't punctual.

The meeting continues and comes to an end. Employees start to make their way outside while Y/N makes her way towards the chairman behind whom that late guy was also standing. Lia follows her from behind.

"This deal is going to prove beneficial for both of the companies." Chairman Park states while shaking Y/N's hand.

Y/N nods her head while glancing at the guy behind the chairman. Their gazes lock and they stare at each other but the guy breaks the contact by lowering down his eyes.

"A shy guy, interesting." Y/N judges him with a smirk in her mind.

"By the way I wanted you to meet my son, Kevin Park. He has just arrived from Australia last month. He'll be handling the merger between our companies from our sides." Chairman Park pats Kevin's shoulder while Kevin holds out his hand in front of Y/N to shake.

"Nice to meet you Director Choi. Looking forward to work with you." He voices out confidently.

"Where is this sudden confidence coming from huh?" Y/N thinks as she holds his hand and shakes it. It was then she realized how gently he was holding her hand and even was caressing it.

"Nice to meet you too Mr Park." Y/N lets go of his hand as light blush creeps to Kevin's cheeks.

They part ways after the meeting. Next day Kevin arrives at Y/N's office to discuss about the deal.

"Don't you think this clause should be revised?" Kevin suggests while Y/N nods her head completely agreeing with him.

"I didn't think you'll be able to handle this." Y/N replies amused by him while pointing at the contract. After his first impression, Y/N thought of him as an incapable person but his efficiency was proving Y/N wrong. Kevin heaves a sigh and smile.

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